Monday, May 2, 2011

Selvaggia & Lius: May 1

Selvaggia squeezes Lius' hand. "I'm glad you're able to be here tonight. Garrett's probably asleep already."

Lius nods, glancing around. "Cannae stay all nigh', bu' I can sneak away for a while."

Selvaggia says: A while is all I need. Shall we?

Lius says: Mhm, will be nice t'be home.

Selvaggia grins, hopping up on the table and swinging her legs, looking almost back to her old, healthier self. Garrett is across the room, sleeping soundly and being stupidly cute.

Lius looks towards his son, cause DAWWWW. "Ye've certainly bounced back, love. Back t'avin' tha' dangerous look in yer eye."

Selvaggia leans back on her hands, still grinning wickedly. "I've been going a bit stir crazy without you, knowing that you're so close but still so far away. I've -missed- you."

Lius approaches! "An' ye think it 'as been easy fer me, aye? Nae. It's jus' wha' is required."

Selvaggia says: Just what's required, hm? As if you don't love it when you get to cut into one of them to save their lives. You just miss being able to enjoy the rush with me.

Lius says: It's a large thing t'miss, love. Bein' a division tha' doesnae exist means a certain level of...pretending t'nae exit.

Selvaggia reaches her hand up to touch Lius' cheek gently, rubbing her thumb against the skin there, as overly warm as usual. "You'll always exist to me, as invisible as you are."

Lius places his hand over hers, tugging his mask away with the one that remains free. Omg he's smiling. "Tha' was pretty romanatic, love. I figured ye'd be draggin' me 'ere t'cut int' somethin'."

Selvaggia laughs quietly and leans in to press her lips against Lius'. "There's a difference between the two? I've missed you. I've missed the feeling of your skin. I've missed the scent of your blood. I've missed your eyes and your smile. I'm glad you're home."

Lius grins further, standard Lius!glare coming to rest on her. "I will 'ave t'ask fer some leave time, after this troll business gets sorted out. I 'ave missed jus' 'ow fuckin' crazy ye make me feel."

Selvaggia kisses Lius again, on the lips and on the neck. "I've missed making you crazy. I adore spending time with Garrett, and he is an absolute joy, but I miss having someone who can talk back to me."

Lius makes a face. "Psh, 'e can talk. Ye jus' 'ave t'listen." He leans forward, arms wrapping around her.

Selvaggia links her ankles behind Lius' knees, trying to pull him closer. "Have you listened?" she asks. Her fingers grow slightly hotter against his cheek, leaving reddish marks. "What does he say?"

Lius says: Mostly tha' 'e loves 'is mother. 'E speaks of yer beauty, of 'ow lucky 'e is.

Selvaggia giggles; she just can't help it. "Does he now? And why is he so lucky?"

Lius says: Because 'e 'as you, o'course. While I 'ave t'go fall out of planes, yer always 'ere.
Lius nods. SAGE.
Lius says: 'E appreciates it.

Selvaggia drops her voice to a whisper, that old derpy smile coming to her face. "And does he realize that he is the son of a deity? Has he mentioned that?"

Lius chuckles, giving a firm nod. "Of course. 'E often speaks of 'ow great I am, yet seems convinced tha' 'e will be better. I admit, I think tha' 'e will."

Selvaggia says: Of course he will! He has the best of both of us... he'll put us both to shame.
Selvaggia runs a searing finger under the collar of Lius' robes. "So. My deity. I wonder how we ought to spend this lovely time that you're returned to me."

Lius shrugs, relaxing at the touch. Oman. "I 'ad certain thin's in mind."

Selvaggia flexes her fingers somewhat, intensifying the heat. "What certain things are these, if I may ask? A lesson for your best pupil?"

Lius leans into the heat, his eyes closing for a second. "I think ye already know, love, or yer jus' tauntin' me."

Selvaggia grins, kissing the other side of Lius' neck and leaving gentle burns along his collarbone. "I have to wonder if there will be any retaliation this evening or if you are entirely at my mercy..."

Lius moves to release a strap holding his pauldrons in place, allowing them to thud against the ground. "I woul' jus' throw my comm away, bu' this isnae Vigil. This is serious."

Selvaggia withdraws her hands from under his collar, tracing the wire of his comm. "How does this work, anyway? What should I press to make you say hello?"

Lius runs a finger along the underside of the bean shaped bud stuck in his ear. "This will do it, or.." His hand trails down, pressing against his collar. A small strap can be seen through the cloth, he presses down on a bulk nearby. "This."

Selvaggia grins, running her fingers along both areas. "Good to know. Let's hope I don't accidentally press either button when I make you scream..." She sends a slight jolt of shadow energy into his chest, experimentally, as if remembering how.

Lius flinches back, having been away from pain for quite some time. His head rolls back, eyes closing, it's hard to tell if it's from the pain or bliss. "Yer askin' fer trouble, lass." He grins, shadow dancing from finger to finger.

Selvaggia sends another jolt, one much stronger, through his arm, eyes dancing with excitement. "It's been quite some time since I've had trouble, my deity. I welcome it at your hands."

Lius works through the extra burst of shadow directed his way, bringing his fingers up to trace across her lips. Shadow now openly flows from the tip of each, lashing out at her cheeks.

Selvaggia hums with pleasure at the sensation, bringing her hand up to his cheek. Flames dance from her fingers as well, licking against his cheeks. "Ahh, I have missed you."

Lius doubles his efforts, his eyelids drooping through the mixture of pain and concentration. "An' I 'ave missed ye, doll."

Selvaggia gives a soft growl of desire and pulls Lius into a full kiss, flames still dancing from her fingers and leaving red marks along his cheeks. The other hand catches in his hair, holding him close to her.

Lius hrmphs as he's pulled into the kiss, his fingers pulling away from her cheek. A full on stream of shadow forms from his palm, heading towards her skull.

Selvaggia groans as the shadow energy connects with her temple and retaliates in kind, drawing wisps of green energy from the runes she carved on his chest so many months ago. She bites down on his lower lip hard, drawing blood.

Lius lurches forward, leaning into her. His breathing comes in deep spurts, the stream of shadow flickers before fading away. Oh god, pain.

Selvaggia chuckles against his mouth, the tendrils ebbing some. "Shall I stop, my deity?" she asks in a voice that suggests she will do no such thing, "or are you enjoying this too much?"

Lius shakes his head, unable to manage something as complex as speaking right now. A hand awkwardly gropes for the knife at his side, pulling it up towards her shoulder. Where he digs straight the fuck in.

Selvaggia cries out in pain, not expecting sudden knife stabbings. The tendrils of energy grow darker, almost purple, and the gem in the ring on her finger lights up as if absorbing something. The flow of energy is constant, however; though the pain isn't diminished in any way, Lius wouldn't feel any weaker. It's replenished as soon as it's taken.

Lius drags the knife down further, short spurts of movement caused by the jolts of pain more often than not. Still, he isn't making any sounds, just kind of writhing.

Selvaggia reaches up with her other hand, which is shaking rather heavily, and places it on Lius'. She tries to steady his movements, to keep him from digging too deeply and damaging nerve and muscle, but the pain is far too exquisite to stop him completely.

Lius glares at her, locking his eyes onto her own. Intensity, but it's lacking even a trace of hate. He allows her to help guide his hand, unable to do much else to stop her.

Selvaggia 's shoulder is soaked through with blood; it covers her fingers as well, and she runs them along Lius' lip. "Would you like to learn, my deity, to have a part of me as I have a part of you?" She holds up her ring.

Lius sputters a response, hooray speech. The knife comes to a stop. "Aye."

Selvaggia smiles softly and leans back, reaching for an ancient tome that's conveniently leaning against the table. She flips through it, getting blood spatters on the pages, until she reaches one illuminated with illustrations of violet stones and runes. She indicates a set of runes toward the bottom of the page, identical to the ones Lius has on his chest. "Use your knife to make these on my chest. Carefully, though... mess them up and you'll summon a demon instead, and that would be awkward."

Lius takes a moment to gather himself, shaking each limb free of any remaining jitters. With a final step forward, and a bit of leaning, he sets to the work. Glancing to the book every now and then, the work is quickly completed. Because, come on...surgeon.

Selvaggia is now quite the gory mess--though the cuts weren't deep, they were bloody, and her front is streaked with red. She smiles up at Lius, something more than a little insane in her eyes. "The words you must say are in Eredun... it's a demonic tongue. They'll enable you to discern my essence--my soul--and pull pieces away from it through those runes." Despite the obvious danger of this idea, she sounds giddy with excitement.

Lius whistles, that's some serious shit yo. "Alrigh'." He nods, glancing to the book. "These 'ere?"

Selvaggia nods, pressing her lips together. "Make sure the pronunciation is correct... I wrote it out phonetically below. It's pretty similar to how one calls forth a succubus, and that could get awkward."

Lius shrugs, not taking this quite as seriously as he should. "Awkward or amazin'." He mutters, reading through the words a few more times. Finally, he takes in a deep breath, and wordswordswords.

Selvaggia makes a soft, almost strangled noise. She'd shift in Lius' view, her essence clearly visible as if her skin and body have become transparent. "Did it work?" she asks, not seeing these changes for herself.

Lius says: Tha' or a syringe managed t'get me durin' th'fun...
Lius rubs at his eye. Great, now there's blood everywhere.

Selvaggia laughs quietly and shifts her position, trying to get more comfortable. "Try drawing a part of me towards you... not too much or you'll have a big rock in your hand and a dead wife. Just... sort of ask it to come towards you."

Lius inhales deeply, shaking his head. Alright. Go time. A hand raises, beckoning it closer. "Come 'ere." He wills it, trying to avoid eating all of it.

Selvaggia gives a cry of pain that she quickly stifles to a growl, trying not to wake the baby. As predicted, a thin ribbon of her essence curls outward toward Lius' waiting hand, moving about his fingers much like any other shadow energy would.

Lius lifts his hand, examining the energy. "Wha' th'ell do I do now?"

Selvaggia is shaking from the pain of it; he can't see the tears of pain streaming down her cheeks, but he can likely hear them in her voice. "The final word is at the bottom of the page. It ends the s-spell..."

Lius seems too busy with the energy crawling around his fingers to notice the book. "Hrm?" He questions, glancing up. "OH! Righ'." He nods, and SHADOW WORD: FINAL.

Selvaggia gasps; Lius would notice her shimmering back into her more recognizable appearance. The energy that danced around his fingers coalesces into a tiny gem in the palm of his hand, a similar violet to the gem in her ring.

Lius rolls the gem around in his palm, eyes set down onto it. "I imagine it woul' be wise t'keep track of this."

Selvaggia is breathing heavily and still shaking quite a bit. Her wounds have cauterized and she looks as though the entire experience has taken quite a bit out of her. "S-set it in youru wedding band, perhaps?"

Lius nods, clenching it in his fist. "Aye, I know someone tha' can do it." He looks up, frowning at omgtiredselvie. "Looks like we need t'get ye t'bed, love."

Selvaggia smiles, leaning forward until her head rests against Lius' shoulder. "I can think of some things to do once we get there," she murmurs.

Lius attempts to sweep her off the table, careful to avoid dropping dat gem. "Aye, aye. We'll see if yer jus' all talk when we get there."

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