Monday, May 2, 2011

Mairèad, Orgo, & Lisa: April 30

Orgo plops down besides Mairead, giving her a poke. "Oi, Miss Palerdin."

Mairèad gives Orgo a hug around the shoulders. "Hey Gundorf. Is it okay that I'm sittin', even though I'm on active duty tonight?"

Orgo snorts. "Course it's fine. Stehl sits all th' time."

Mairèad says: Well that's good. Today's been kinda emotionally wringin', y'know? Like in a good way -and- a bad way. It's good t'jest sit with people y'like.

Orgo nods. "I understand."

Mairèad says: Did y'like the ceremony? I thought it went good, up 'til th'party at the end.

Orgo nods. "Yeah. I liked most of it."

Mairèad grins, nudging Orgo with her shoulder. "What didn't y'like?"

Orgo snorts. "Don't wanna say. Might hurt yer feelin's."

Mairèad says: Naw, go ahead and say. I'll bet I could guess, but go ahead and say.

Orgo snorts. "Didn't like th' singing."

Mairèad chuckles. "I'm not surprised. That was what I was gunna guess."

Orgo snorts again. "Where'd he run off too, anyway?"

Mairèad says: I dunno. To do... "stuff."

Orgo grumbles.

Mairèad says: ...yahar, that about sums it up.

Orgo scowls. "Yeh should dump 'is ass." There. He said it.

Mairèad rolls a shoulder and shakes her head. "We ent a couple, not rilly. He's... well. I think he feels strongly about me, but fer all I know, he jest doesn't wanna hurt me feelin's."

Orgo mumbles some more.
Orgo says: So. Ya get th' present I sent ya?

Mairèad says: Yahar! I did. Also, what'd you say jest now? Also-also, Colonel Hardcheese thinks I jest got married.

Orgo snorts. "Nothing. Just speculatin'. Bout other folks you could be seein'."
Orgo says: And yeh. Not sure th' Colonel knew what was goin' on.

Mairèad grins and leans against Orgo somewhat, winking at him. "Like you, y'mean."
Mairèad says: And it was good 'a him to come and give a speech either way.

Orgo grins. "Now that ya mention it, yeh."

Mairèad continues to lean, putting on an overdramatic sort of air. "I dunno, Gundorf. You'd probably find yerself disappointed by someone what couldn't keep up with even jest yer nightcap."

Orgo grins. "Eh, I'm sure you'll get better at holdin' yer hooch. Took me a few days t' get th' hang of it, too."

Mairèad chuckles. "Speakin' a', since someone gave me a bunch 'a hooch fer me ordinashun and I'm feelin' kinda down, y'wanna go somewhar and watch me get sloshed?"

Orgo grins. "Only if yer sharin'."

Mairèad says: 'A course! That's th'virtue 'a compassion.

Orgo grins. "See, knew ya'd make a good palerdin."

Mairèad chuckles and stands, hefting a large sack filled with the aforementioned alcohol over her shoulder. "C'mon, then. Better t'go somewhere that ent in front 'a the Cathedral if this is gunna be a gettin' used to experience fer me."

Orgo nods. "Lead th' way, then!"

Mairèad says: Hmm.
Mairèad says: Tryin'a decide if I feel bad enough fer th'sea or not.
Mairèad purses her lips and nods. "I do." She continues off harborwards.
Mairèad sets the booze bag down and sits, legs outstretched, inhaling deeply.

Orgo plops down, leaning back against the crate.

Mairèad fishes out two bottles from the bag and hands one to Orgo. "To... hmm. To dorfs."

Orgo grins, nodding. "I'll drink t' that!" He bites down on the cork, popping it free, following with a long pull.

Mairèad follows suit, taking a long swig. As per usual, it hits her pretty hard and she sets the bottle down, going back to leaning against Orgo. "Y'know, Gundorf. It's mostly unfair t'you. 'Cause I'd totally do you, but I think y'want more than that, huh."

Orgo sighs. "Suppose maybe I do. Not lookin' fer marryin' or anythin', but there's other stuff that'd be nice."

Mairèad says: Like love and cuddlin' and hand-holdin' and all that stuff people do when they're ~involved~.

Orgo snorts. "Cuddlin' and stuff ain't bad, no. Nice t' have someone t' sit on yer lap now an' again."

Mairèad considers this and then, taking another long swig of booze, half-sits on Orgo's lap. "Hmm. Dorfs're a different warm than wergin."

Orgo blinks, a little surprised. "A better warm, I'd say."

Mairèad says: How so?

Orgo shrugs. "I dunno. Just know it's better."

Mairèad has gone all glassy-eyed. "Have -you- evarrr snuggled with a wergin?"

Orgo shrugs. "Okay, I guess ya got me on that one. Nope."

Mairèad inadvertently bonks her forehead against Orgo's, chuckling. She just sort of sits there, though. "But you've snuggled with dorf ladies, I'd assume."

Orgo grins. "A few, yeah. Yer a diff'rent kind a warm than them."

Mairèad says: I'm warm? How'm I warm?
Mairèad says: I'm tiny and a girl. Those're two thin's what usually make warm not happen.

Orgo snorts. "Still warmer than nothin'. Dwarf women are, well...bigger. Take up more space."

Mairèad says: Is not bein' big a bad thin'?

Orgo snorts again. "Nope. I like it, m'self."

Mairèad says: I'm startin' t'wonder if there's anythin' about me y'don't like!

Orgo thinks for a minute. "Don't like that worgen fella o' yours. That count?"

Mairèad is still leaning her forehead against Orgo's. She doesn't move even when she brings her bottle of booze up for another swig, which makes things awkward. "That ent me, that's someone else."

Orgo says: Hrmmm. There's one freckle right there that I don't like too much.

Mairèad snorts and gives Orgo a light shove. "That doesn't count either, that's you bein' silly. C'mon, there must be somethin' I do what drives you nuts."

Orgo shrugs. "Guess I'm stumped, then. Have t' spend some more time 'round ya."

Mairèad says: I'm sure you're heartbroken about that.

Orgo says: Yep. It's gonna be hard work, but I'm gonna give it m'best shot.

Mairèad hugs Orgo around the shoulders with a gentle, albeit drunken laugh. "I always appreciate someone what shows dedication to his craft. If yer like that in th'sack, too, it's a wonder y'ent got thousands 'a women linin' up."

Orgo grins. "I prob'ly would, but I like t'be particular."

Mairèad says: And what's it about me that's got you decidin' t'wish ill on Shep and be determined that y'won't settle fer jest a one-night-stand? Which is totally on th'table, by-the-by.

Orgo grins. "Well, everythin', o'course." He snorts again. "An' I don't wish ill o' him. I wish 'im to be totally 'appy. With somebody else. Far away."

Mairèad sighs and pats Orgo's head, only it's more like one would pet a cat than any sort of pat-pat motion. "Light's sake, I dunno where all you blokes were th'rest 'a me life. Kinda depressin' t'think about."

Orgo grins. "Don't know about th' rest o' us, but I've been right 'ere."

Mairèad sighs and turns so she's resting her cheek against Orgo's head. "Shame I wasn't around Stormwind much, then. It's like as soon as I started livin' here, errybody and their grandmother was declarin' undyin' devotion t'me... which I ent sayin' you are."
Mairèad says: But y'know what I mean.

Orgo shrugs. "Guess ya just must be special. Knew it th' moment I met ya."

Mairèad says: ...if you say I'm yer firefly. I mean. Honestly, I'm not -that- special. I jest talk to errybody. And I'm kind of a slut. And I jest wanna find true love, is that so wrong.
Mairèad pouts drunkenly.

Orgo snorts. "Nah, ain't nothin' wrong with any o' that."

Mairèad says: And see, y'know what th'trouble is? Th'trouble is that... I dunno what th'trouble is.

Orgo nods. "Yeah...Guess so?"

Mairèad says: Gundorf, sometimes, I wish that y'weren't me commandin' officer. Jest 'cause sometimes, I think thin's about you that y'shouldn't think about commandin' officers. I probably shouldn't have said that.

Orgo grins. "Good thing we ain't on duty, then."

Mairèad leans back finally, smirking and sort of flopping somewhat. "What would happen if we -were-?"

Orgo shrugs. "Not much, prob'ly. Ain't no rules about such things."

Mairèad says: Like bonin' y'mean?

Orgo shrugs. "Bonin', cuddlin', whatever."

Mairèad says: That's so it doesn't get lonely on th'field, right?
Mairèad says: It must get lonely on th'field.

Orgo shrugs. "Guess it might be. But it don't normally get too lonely out there. Not enough time t' worry 'bout it."

Mairèad says: I think that if I loved someone I was in a unit with, th'first thin' I'd wanna do after survivin' somethin' was bone 'em.

Orgo grins. "That's prob'ly a good idea, yeh."

Lísa yells: Guuundooooorf!

Orgo facepalms.

Lísa yells: Hallooooooooo?
Lísa blinks at Gryphon Hatchling.
Lísa says: Nice rat with wings.

Mairèad blinks drunkenly. She is sitting on Orgo's lap, holding a half drunk bottle of some -really- strong alcohol, and it takes her a moment to recognize Lisa. "...Mam! It ent a rat, it's a gryphon, Imma ride him when he gets big."

Lísa says: Well shit, don't go squishin' it ennytahm soon.
Lísa smiles warmly at her drunk littlest palerdin. "How y'feelin', littlest palerdin?"

Mairèad raises her bottle cheerfully, standing up. "Drunk!" she answers.

Orgo sighs sadly as Mairead stands up.

Lísa says: Figger 's better 'n dead, yahar?
Lísa says: Hey Gundorf, y'got me gun?

Orgo nods. "Made it, yeh. Ain't carryin' it 'round with me."

Lísa looks crestfallen! "Awr, don't go breakin' me heart, Orgo."

Mairèad says: Mam, Gundorf wants t'bone me! Like me dad! Me -birth- dad, though, not Mr. Crowe. He's th'good dad.

Lísa blinks.

Mairèad drinks more booze and almost falls over.

Lísa says: Whutabaht tha' She- woah there.
Lísa jumps forward to catch Mairead.

Orgo sighs, loudly. This is not how he expected this conversation to go.

Lísa looks down at Orgo, her eyes narrowing. "Lissen 'ere, Gundorf. Y'ain't fuckin' me daughter. No sir." She patpats Mairead's head and tries to ease her back down to the ground.

Orgo glares right back. "I ain't lookin' t' cause no trouble, but th' way I see it, she's a palerdin an' a soldier an' can make 'er own decisions."

Mairèad is eased back to the ground and just sits there and giggles. This isn't how -she- expected anything to go, either, but she's also drunk so it's hilarious.

Lísa says: Yahar, she might be old enough ter make 'er own decisions but 'm pretty sure she's got a furry friend. So watch whar y'dick goes.

Orgo grunts. "Ya done lecturin' me, then?"

Mairèad says: Awww, mam, don't worreh 'bout Gundorf. He's a good dorf... you'd like him lots. He'd be a good meantime friend, while Shep's figurin' out what he wants t'do with his life. But that wouldn't be fair and he's too nice fer me t'do that secretly.
Mairèad pats Orgo on the head.

Lísa frowns slightly. "Okies, darlin'. Whutevarrr y'say. Reckon it ain't m'job t'do tha' ennymore."

Mairèad says: But I appreciate it jest th'same. I mean, at least you come from a place where y'ent tellin' random dorfs t'stay outta me skivvies 'cause you want in.

Lísa snorts, "Yahar." Okay. Now mom feels guilty. "Well Gundorf, can y'show me th'gun t'morrah?"

Orgo nods. "I can do that, yeh."

Lísa says: Much thanks, darlin'.
Lísa casts a worried glance at Mairead.

Mairèad gives Lisa a slanted grin. She's been drunker. "Don't worreh 'bout me, mam. Jest been a bad week's all. I'll be fine. I know yer probably shippin' out soon, though, huh?"

Lísa says: Uh- yar. That 's gun'ter be th'plan. Tell Chad 'n Shep I said hi. I reckon y'be wantin' 'yer privacy.

Mairèad says: Light bless, mam.

Orgo sighs.

Mairèad says: She jest lectures 'cause she cares.

Orgo grunts. "More sighin' 'cause ya said ya wouldn't be doin' anythin' with me. Gonna wait for yer worgan fella."

Mairèad frowns and then leans in, kissing the corner of Orgo's mouth. "I'm sorreh. If y'didn't want me t'love you, I'd take you right now, right here. But... it ent fair t'you. And y'mean too much to me fer that."

Orgo scowls, grumbling. "Well, how ya ever gonna love me if ya don't start somewhere?"

Mairèad kisses Orgo's cheek again. "It ent that. I could, I probably could, but see... Shep's gunna be there, one way or another, and he ent gunna go away any time soon. Even if he told me tomorrow that he didn't evarrr wanna see me again..."
Mairèad says: ...Light-willin' that won't happen.
Mairèad says: But if it did, even if it did, I'd still take a while gettin' over him, and you'd jest be hurt in th'meantime.
Mairèad says: 'Cause you'd be in his shadow, and yer too good of a person fer that.

Orgo sighs. "I'd better get goin', then. I like ya, Mairead, I do. But I'm tired of bein' that fella t' everyone I like."

Mairèad sighs and sits back, obviously feeling exactly as bad about this as Orgo does. "I'm sorreh, Gundorf, I rilly -rilly- am. Part 'a me wishes thin's weren't this way, but... look, if y'didn't mean s'much to me, I'd jest say 'fuck it' and ride you like a bear."

Orgo stands up, sighing. "Not really sure why that's supposed t' make me feel better."

Mairèad says: ...'cause I don't wanna hurt you.
Mairèad says: Is what I'm tryin'a say.

Orgo pats Mairead's head. "You gonna be fine out 'ere, girl? Or do I need t' help ya someplace?"

Mairèad sighs, looking down forlornly. "I'll be fine. Jest need a bit alone, yahar? I'm sorreh. I'm rilly, -rilly- sorreh."

Orgo sighs. "I understand, girl. Wish lots o' happiness to you an' yer fella."

Mairèad holds Orgo's hand on top of her head. "I want you t'be happy too, Gundorf. And we're still rilly good friends, right?"

Orgo says: We're still friends, yeh. Just gonna go be alone fer a bit, okay?

Mairèad says: Alright. Light keep y'safe, Gundorf.
Mairèad squeezes Orgo's hand.

Orgo grins. "Night, miss palderin."

Mairèad says: Night, Gundorf.

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