Monday, May 2, 2011

Mairèad & Shepard: May 1

Mairèad says: Shep, are you alright? Y'been actin' kinda funny since you fixed yer memory.

Shépard quietly reaches into his bag, searching through the various belongings until he pulls out a scroll. He holds it out to Mairead. "I'm fine. Just been... busy."

Mairèad takes the scroll with a slight frown, shifting it from hand to hand. "You'd tell me if it was somethin' I'd done, wouldn't you? 'Cause I'd rather know fer sure one way or th'other."

Shépard says: It wasn't something you've done, Mairead, relax. Anyway, enjoy.

Mairèad looks at the scroll, unrolling it after a moment, glancing sideways at Shepard all the while as if she's concerned he's playing a prank on her. "If it's about th'other night..." she starts but then leaves off and goes back to the scroll.

Shépard says: I said it wasn't -you-, Mairead. -Relax-. Just enjoy your certificate, deed... whatever it's called.

Mairèad cringes at this, though she doesn't comment further. "...deed?" She looks back down at the scroll and gives a yelp of surprise. "Is this...?!"

Shépard says: It's a boat deed, yes.

Mairèad says: Y'got me a -boat-!?

Shépard says: Uh-huh.

Mairèad looks as if she might explode from happiness. She jumps up and throws her arms around Shepard's neck, squealing things that are almost entirely unintelligible.

Shépard grunts, hiding the smallest traces of a smile.

Mairèad is still holding onto Shepard's neck, her squeals becoming a more discernable "I love you, oh me Light, I love you, yer th'best, a fuckin' -boat- EEEEE!!"

Shépard 's ears flick in tandem with Mairead's squeals, and he manages a throaty chuckle. "Glad- glad you like it."

Mairèad stops squealing when she sees the ear-flicking. "Oh! Oh, sorreh. Sorreh. I don't mean to be so loud. Jest. Jest. Me own boat! This is... oh thank you so much. So much, Shep. Thank you."

Shépard says: Mmhm. Being a Paladin is an exhausting job. Just thought you'd want something to help you escape from the pressure.

Mairèad beams, still hugging Shepard around the neck, which only works because she's standing on the planter. "Kin we go see it? We should go see it."

Shépard furrows his brows, though he puts on a smile. "Give it a day. I have them stocking it right now."

Mairèad says: Alright. We kin go down there together tomorrow. ...if y'ent busy with other stuff.

Shépard says: I shouldn't be, no.

Mairèad shifts so that she's leaning against Shepard's back instead of dangling from his neck. "Okay. I've missed you lots, y'know. It ent th'same in Stormwind without you, and Orgo's th'wrong kinda warm."

Shépard says: I've missed you, too- what kind of warm is he?

Mairèad rests her cheek against Shepard's back, frowning slightly. "Same kind as Luke-- wantin' more than I kin give, and too nice fer his own good."

Shépard says: Ah. So he wants sex.

Mairèad says: No. If all he wanted was sex, that'd be easy. But he wants me t'love him. Or he thinks he does. He's all smitten.

Shépard says: It's almost like this city thrives on finding someone to love immediately.
Shépard says: Like it'll somehow make everything -better-.

Mairèad says: I kin understand it... when yer fallin', you want errythin' to happen so fast. But... well. This way's nicer. Feels more rill. And that's exactly it, onleh when you love someone, it doesn't make all yer problems go away.
Mairèad trails her arms down to rest around Shepard's waist. "Even when they love you back."

Shépard says: Mm. Anyway, I need to be heading off. I'm not out of my theoretical woods yet.

Mairèad nods, still resting her cheek against his back, not letting go just yet. "...d'you think y-- I'm sorreh, I shouldn't ask that."

Shépard says: ...think what?

Mairèad cringes and barely whispers. "D'you think you could kiss me good-bye? Since y'miss me so much."

Shépard pauses, flicking an ear. "... No."

Mairèad sags enough that he could probably feel it, though she manages to keep her voice steady. "Alright. Figured it was worth askin'."

Shépard says: Things will happen as they should, Mairead. Some things... you don't need to search for.

Mairèad closes her eyes and grimaces. "I'm not tryin'a search, I'm jest... nnn." She gives up, shaking her head. "It's fine. It'll be fine."

Shépard sighs, head lowering in thought. "Ever hear the phrase 'coming on too strong'?"

Mairèad drops her arms completely and just leans against Shepard's back. "I know I am. I don't know how else t'be. Jest... hnn. Nevarrrmind. It's nothin' fer you to worreh about."

Shépard says: How about less obvious? Something isn't as alluring if everything is presented from the get-go.

Mairèad says: But you -know- how I feel. Even if I pretend I don't feel that way, that doesn't change anythin'.

Shépard says: Then you obviously don't know me well.

Mairèad says: I guess I'm jest wonderin' what th'point is 'a me bein' somethin' fer you to figure out if y'already know the answer?

Shépard does his best to peer back, lifting a brow. "It's not about finding the answer, it's about the chase; you're offering everything to a being with predatory instincts."

Mairèad frowns. She hadn't thought of this before. " question, then: if I stop this and let -you- do a little chasin', -will- you chase? Or will you jest be like 'oh thank th'Light she's not buggin' me anymore' and leave me hangin'?"

Shépard shrugs a shoulder. "No clue. I'm just offering advice."

Mairèad gives Shepard a light shove, sighing heavily. "Fine, be all cryptic. But y'know, sometimes, you kin be a rill pain." She hops off the planter, gives Shepard a tight (if begrudging) hug, and starts back towards the Cathedral.

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