Monday, May 2, 2011

Ordination After-party: April 30

Mairèad carefully fills up a plate with food and balances it on one hand, walking over to stand on Matteo's other side.

Teach gets a "son I am disappoint" face and glares at Matteo.

Emirdelle says: Uh oh.

Matteo says: Can I help you?

Teach says: Me daughterrr seems ter be hidin'hind'ye.

Emirdelle yells: Oye! You're missing the fun over here!

Mairèad and her plate turn to face Teach. She fixes him with a stern look. "He's me father and he kin stand where he wants."

Teach 's eyebrow raises and his eyeball looks like it might pop out.

Emirdelle says: Get your pie yet Vandrin?

Matteo calmly stares at Teach.

Mairèad takes a bite out of a turkey leg, still looking stern.

Vandrin has a plate with a slice of apple pie on it sitting in his lap. Nom nom. "Yes!" he says with a muffled voice.

Teach pulls out a flask, uncaps it with great conviction, sucking it down whilst keeping his eye on Matteo. Teach tosses the flask into the distance, and a cat is heard screeching.

Emirdelle says: Uh oh...

Matteo is clearly unimpressed by this display.

Teach puts his finger to Matteo's chest and needs a moment to deliver the ramble.

Matteo calmly waits.

Teach says: Well'then'I'dun jus'wanner'ter know tha'I'dun be proud. Wish I got'a'chance'ter be where'yer standin'now.

Matteo says: You had your chance.

Orgo is back, hand resting on one pistol, two plates held in the other.

Mairèad takes another bite of turkey leg, chewing most sternly.

Teach says: Ye'dun know a thin'bout what chances I'ad. Ye'think back then I'dun'ad roight life ter raise a kid? I'don'know wha'er'mumma did, but she raise a foin woman.
Teach says: Not loik I coulda done.

Matteo says: Considering the life I've managed to lead, my friend, one may always choose a different path.
Matteo says: You chose to continue yours.

Teach says: Oh cut yer crap, I'didn'even know she was out tharr, I'ain'never been an easy man'ter foind'n'tha's'jus' me nature.

Matteo says: It's your choice.

Orgo is attempting to eat with a gun and a fork in the same hand. He's making more progress than expected.

Mairèad manages to scoop up some mashed potatoes on the remains of her turkey leg and eats these. Also sternly.

Teach says: When I did foind out, it was too late'n'I regret tha'. I could even'give'er a better loife than I could'ave, not even a scoundrel aneh more.

Emirdelle says: Know where Stehl and the rest went?

Orgo shrugs. "Nope."

Stehl says: I am here.

Matteo says: Regret doesn't make up for the consequences of your actions. I suggest you simply accept them.

Emirdelle says: Get some pie?

Vandrin is still nomming the pie from his plate. "Fantastic pie, Emi."

Emirdelle says: There he is!

Teach says: Alroight, I came'in'forrmals outta respec'fer me daughter, 'n'because I thought'I'could reason'wit a man'o'yer toitle, wit'balls enough ter stand bertween a man'n'is daughter, but'cher seem ter be a bilgebrained git.
Teach says: Step outta me way'n'lemme properly address me dauuughter.

Orgo sets his now empty plates to the side.

Mairèad reaches forward and puts her hand on Matteo's arm. "'s okay, Dad. He kin say his peace. It don't make up fer anythin', but if he wants t'say his peace, he kin."

Orgo shuffles off to stand beside Stehl.

Matteo inclines his head in compliance with Mairead's wishes, stepping to the side.

Mairèad squares her shoulders and looks at Teach seriously.

Teach tears up, speaking calmly, "I'jus' wanted ter say I'm proud'er'ye, I'don' deserve a daughter'o'yer quality. Whatever'appens, know I love'ye'n'tha'ye kin always come'ter me - if by tha Loight yer fergive me."

Emirdelle pokes Orgo. Hey!
Emirdelle says: Biscuit?

Mairèad takes a long, deep breath and exhales, thinking for a moment how to respond to that. "I'm a palerdin now, so I hafta fergive you. I know it ent yer fault you weren't part 'a me childhood, and that ent th'trouble. Yer a lech and y'treat me bad still."

Orgo shakes his head. "Full, but thanks."

Mairèad says: I fergive you, but that doesn't mean it's okay or that I wanna be yer daughter.

Teach says: I'll see what'I'kin do ter fix tha'.

Emirdelle says: Er, pie anyone?
Emirdelle tries to change the subject.

Matteo looks at Emirdelle, "Not now."

Mairèad just nods once, curtly. "I appreciate th'gesture. Thank you fer comin' tonight."

Teach says: O'course.

Orgo seems pleased that he won't have to shoot Teach.

Teach says: Well... I'll be off then.

Matteo is similarly pleased.

Mairèad says: Light be with you.

Teach says: 'n'wit'choo.

Matteo says: Are you alright?

Mairèad blows air out through pursed lips, sitting down and setting her half-eaten plate on the ground. She shakes her head. "Easier to hate him when he's bein' vile."

Stehl grunts and rolls his shoulder, heading off.

Emirdelle says: Don't let it bother you.

Mairèad sighs and runs her hands through her hair. It stands on end all weirdly. "I'm able t'be called up on active duty now. I kin't sit here and mope anymore."

Matteo says: Aye.

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