Monday, May 2, 2011

Mairèad's Ordination: April 30

Mairèad exhales and finally smiles at Chadley, nodding. She glances back to Shepard and smiles at him as well before looking up at Matteo. "I'm ready t'start now."

Tohuu blinks at Ovrik.

Matteo says: Of course. Thank you all for attending today.
Matteo says: In the name of the Light, we gather here to witness the ordination of Mairead Isolde Lisa Fallon.
Matteo says: In the Light, we gather to empower our sister. In its grace, she shall be made anew. In its power, she shall educate the masses. In its strength, she shall combat the shadow. And, in its wisdom, she shall lead her brethren into the eternal rewards of paradise.

Oggleton lands with a heavy thud on the roof. "Dammit..."

Emirdelle says: My Colonel senses are tingling.

Chadley looks up at Oggleton.

Ovrik dabs his... third? One went to the robot, one went to the draenei woman. Third handkerchief at the corners of his eyes.

Mairèad stands at ease, her head bowed, eyes closed, though she looks up when Oggleton lands, blinking a few times.

Matteo says: I will ask now for those of you that have prepared speeches to step forward.

Tohuu is still holding the frilly hankerchief in her hands. She's waiting for the fake tears.

Oggleton whispers to Lius. "Did I prepare a speech?"

Mairèad glances over at Chadley, Stehl, and Oggleton. "Colonel Hardcheese will be speakin' first, on th'virtue of respect."

Chadley takes a single step forward, the wrinkled paper still clutched in his hand.

Matteo gestures Oggleton forward.

Emirdelle slips a note to Oggleton. "There you go sir."

Lius nods. "Aye, sir. Ye did."

Ovrik 's tears are sincere. He dabs.

Stehl says: ... Wait, he had respect? Oh, no.

Oggleton nods at Lius. "Thank you, Lenny."

Tohuu produces fake tears, dabbing at them with the massive hankerchief. She forces a smile as well.

Oggleton picks a spot where he can see everyone.

Mairèad inclines her head respectfully toward Oggleton as he approaches, freezing somewhat as she catches sight of Teach, but then just looking past him to Shepard.

Shépard smiles encouragingly, though he glances to Teach once before settling on Mairead.

Oggleton says: So. Respect, ya say? Respect's a terribly important part of being a paladin, of course. Top three, at least.
Oggleton says: Respect is one of the few things that seperate us from the animals. Like opposable thumbs, and tits what don't have fur on them.

Matteo stares straight ahead, trying not to listen to what the Colonel is saying.

Chadley 's head is bowed in respect, but he snorts.

Aveta doesn't really know much about paladins, so she maintains a smile and respectful silence!

Tohuu is trying so hard not to laugh.

Mairèad presses her lips together, also bowing her head in respect. Her cheeks flush, though, and she seems to be holding in a laugh.

Oggleton says: Anyway. All this talk about respect reminds of of this story.

Stehl taps the side of his helmet once.

Oggleton says: I was up in Dalaran, workin' with this fella by th' name of Antonidas.
Oggleton says: And damn, was his daughter ugly.

Lius flops back against the pillar, having to bite down on his lip to avoid laughing.

Aveta snatches up Lius' hat and places it on her head. It is sandwiched between antlers.

Tohuu covers her mouth with the hankerchief in order to stifle her giggling.

Oggleton says: Not just normal ugly, mind you. Moustache like one of them walrus-people, and fatter of them walrus-people.

Mairèad covers her mouth with her hand, a quiet squeak escaping.

Oggleton says: Anyway, Antonidas keeps droppin' hints about how he's lookin' to marry her off.

Aveta is now a pirate.

Oggleton says: And I'm thinking, "Good luck with that one," of course, 'cause she looks like a walrus-person.
Oggleton says: As I had previous said.
Oggleton says: So, anyway, he invites me to dinner over at his mansion.

Stehl is shaking slightly.

Emirdelle tries to hold back her laugh as tears form on the corner of her eye.

Lius glances up to his lost hat, too busy avoiding laughter to care.

Chadley has, by now, lifted a hand to cover his face. He can't conceal his broad grin and suppressed laughter, though.

Ovrik listens with the attention and excitement of a seven year old child.

Oggleton says: Long story short, I wake up the next morning, pants completely gone.

Mairèad lets out a snort that she quickly tries to turn into a cough.

Tohuu manages a fake gasp in response to this.

Ovrik gasps.

Oggleton says: Never went back to Dalaran, but I heard later that they flew the city off to Northrend in shame of that girl's ugliness.

Emirdelle holds in her laugh, but gets hiccups in return.

Shépard is wearing a srs face. Yep.

Oggleton nods solemnly.

Chadley waits for the lesson.

Teach looks over at Shepard, "'n'people call me crazy."

Ovrik is -actually- taking this all very seriously. He awaits the lesson as well.

Chadley is going to be waiting a long time.

Shépard doesn't speak, and he doesn't even react. Still wearing the srs face, though.

Ovrik is very patient.

Oggleton says: And that's how I met Kael'thas Sunstrider.

Lius nearly loses it at this, he wedges himself between Aveta and the pillar, his face falling against her arm. Muffled laughter comes out.

Ovrik blinks.

Matteo says: Thank you, Colonel.

Oggleton grunts and walks back to his place. Speech over.

Chadley says: ...

Aveta bonks Lius' head.

Ovrik starts up hesitant clapping.

Tohuu claps excitedly.

Mairèad drops her hands to applaud, respectfully, but also more to cover up her giggling.

Ovrik 's clapping is lonely and awkward and echo- oh, no it's not!

Tohuu winks slyly at Ovrik.

Stehl taps the side of his helmet once and starts clapping briefly.

Chadley also claps. Slowly.

Ovrik blinks. Ceases clapping.

Matteo says: Moving onto the next speaker...

Mairèad coughs and regains her composure. "Th'next speech is on tenacity and will be presented by Stehl." She does not call him Stehlfire because srs event is srs.

Stehl says: ... S'my turn, yes?

Chadley looks at Stehl.

Lius has managed to stop his laughter, but can't quite gather himself enough to clap. His entire body is shaking, tears forming in his eyes.

Matteo says: Aye.

Ovrik leans over to Lius and whispers loudly. "...are you quite okay?"

Stehl says: ... Well, I had something prepared with Rosa speaking before me in mind. But. That last... 'speech' completely ruined the set-up. So.

Lius gives Ovrik a thumbs up.

Ovrik doesn't realize that this question is probably rhetorical.

Oggleton nods. "Always been a hard act to follow, my boy."

Stehl says: So, I'll keep this brief. What is tenacity to all of you? To some, it's simply being able to continue something you've started. Admirable enough, not everybody seems to be capable of that. But what does it mean to one of us? Is it just that?

Ovrik resists an urge to take notes.

Stehl says: No. To uphold the word of the Light, we must endure beyond the ordinary. Hell, beyond even the extraordinary. Even if our bones break and our armor crumbles we must persevere in all endeavors.
Stehl says: And should we find ourselves alone in the darkness? If we find ourselves unworthy of the gift granted to us? We shall not fail to keep pressing onward, for that is what we are. The nameless, faceless protectors of the innocent and of our faith.
Stehl says: I'm also a terrible liar, and that was kind of long.
Stehl leans against the pillar again, folding his arms.

Chadley slow-claps at this as well, though it's distinguishable from the previous clapping as genuine.

Mairèad smiles brightly and also applauds this speech, nodding at Stehl and mouthing "thank you."

Ovrik dabs.

Matteo says: Thank you, sir Stehl.

Shépard claps. That is all.

Mairèad says: Th'last speech is on compassion, presented by Chadley Fairdale.

Tohuu claps as well.

Chadley looks around nervously as he approaches the front. He turns around and coughs, trying for a smile. "Guess I'm the only one with a speech wrote up, huh? I, uh- well. Here goes."

Emirdelle taps Ovrik's hand. "Use my uh...Cloak."

Chadley looks at his crumpled paper.

Ovrik positively beams.
Ovrik shakes his head, still smiling. There is a third handkerchief in his massive hand, and it's being put to good use!

Chadley swallows and begins to read aloud. "Of the three virtues, compassion is the least often understood. It's not that it's hindered by personal ideals, but that all-too-often people allow it to -dominate- their ideals."
Chadley says: Compassion is a gift that must be welcomed by someone, not placed upon them. As a paladin, you are equal parts justice and mercy, and it can be easy to blindly focus on one as it is the other.
Chadley pauses, swallowing again.
Chadley says: By accepting these honors, this ordination, a paladin accepts the responsibility to do what's right, regardless of ideal. They demonstrate the courage to know when to show compassion toward even those that have not earned their respect, as well as the ability to act when that compassion is taken for granted.
Chadley says: ... Compassion is universally deserved. The greatest responsibility is knowing when and how to deliver it.
Chadley crumples his paper and walks back.

Orgo claps. Nice and short.

Matteo smiles, "Thank you, mister Fairdale."

Mairèad grins widely at Chadley and claps for him as well, nodding encouragingly.

Ovrik smiles widely. Clap. Clap.

Tohuu claps after the speech. She actually smiles at this.

Chadley looks kind of like he wants to die.

Stehl belated clap.

Shépard clap.

Ovrik claps, rather loudly. It echoes like a gunshot and his head sinks into his shoulders, that droop.
Ovrik shivers.

Chadley jumps.

Shépard snickers at Ovrik.

Matteo looks at Shepard, "I believe you are to sing a hymn, Mister Lovells?"

Shépard says: Hm? Ah, right. Uh-huh.

Tohuu glances over behind her, an irritated look on her face.]

Orgo finds his flask. Empties it. Pulls out another.

Mairèad jumps a little at Ovrik's clap but smiles at him just the same.

Matteo says: Please, come forward.

Lius nudges Orgo with his foot. "Sarn't?" He pleads, nodding towards the flask.

Ovrik looks like the world itself just exiled him from its surface.

Shépard quietly shuffles forwards, fingers busy fiddling with a device strapped around his neck - a decidedly human voice echoes out. "Hold on, hold on..."

Chadley blinks at Shépard.

Orgo finds yet another flask, and passes it to Lius. Strong shit, bro.

Shépard clears his throat, relaxes the muscles, takes one last look to Mairead... then quietly begins the hymn, singing with clear experience.
Shépard says: Nearer, O Light, to Thee, nearer to Thee! E’en though it be a trial that raiseth me, still all my song shall be, nearer, O Light, to Thee.

Lius begins to drink as fast as possible.

Shépard says: Nearer, O Light, to Thee, nearer to Thee!

Ovrik clasps his hands across his heart. Smiles widely.

Shépard says: Though like the wanderer, the sun gone down, darkness be over me, my rest a stone. Yet in my dreams I’d be nearer, O Light, to Thee.
Shépard says: Nearer, O Light, to Thee, nearer to Thee!

Tohuu folds her arms across her chest, listening to the song.

Shépard says: And, if on joyful wing cleaving the sky, sun, moon, and stars forgot, upward I’ll fly, still all my song shall be, nearer, O Light, to Thee.
Shépard says: Nearer, O Light, to Thee, nearer to Thee!
Shépard coughs into his fist, signaling the end. As quickly as he shuffled forward, he shuffles back to his original spot.

Matteo says: Thank you, Mister Lovells.

Shépard says: Mm.

Mairèad grins at Shepard, though her grin turns back into a nervous lip-biting as she glances back at Matteo.

Orgo drinks more. "That was...somethin'."

Chadley is quiet, though nods his head as Shepard finishes.

Matteo looks at Mairead, gesturing for her to step before him.

Mairèad steps before Matteo, turning to face him.

Matteo says: Do you, Mairead Isolde Lisa Fallon, vow to uphold the honor and codes of the paladins of the Holy Light?

Ovrik blinks rapidly, in disbelief.

Mairèad says: I do.

Matteo says: Do you vow to vanquish evil wherever it may be found, and protect the innocent with your very life?

Mairèad says: I do.

Matteo says: Brothers and sisters—you who have gathered here to bear witness—raise your hands and let the Light illuminate this woman.

Stehl raises his hands, a soft glow enveloping Mairead. No, it is not fire.

Aveta , despite not really understanding or being able to use the Light, raises her hand anyway. Nothing happens but, solidarity, man.

Emirdelle clasps her hands and utters a prayer for Mai.

Matteo lifts his hand--the one not holding his libram-- and adds to the light now surrounding Mairead.

Lius raises his hands awkwardly, swaying slightly. The flask remains clenched in one.

Orgo raises his hands, too. This is what Palerdins do?

Shépard raises a hand.

Chadley smiles and lifts his hands with an incline of his head. The Light comes to him and soon finds her, a glow surrounding her form.

Ovrik raises a single hand, peeling off the glove. It glows faintly.

Teach raises his hands, tearing up a little.

Tohuu bows her head and shuts her eyes.

Mairèad inclines her head respectfully and quietly, pressing her lips together. Matteo might notice tears tracking down her cheeks, looking all glowy and such.

Orgo had no way to contribute. Stupid hunters.

Matteo says: Arise, Mairead Isolde Lisa Fallon, Paladin-defender of Stormwind. Welcome to the order of the Holy Light.

Tohuu did her part.

Matteo closes his libram, returns it to his belt, and inclines his head to Mairead.

Chadley claps loudly now, cheering for his friend.

Mairèad looks up again, beaming. She throws her arms around Matteo's neck because to hell with formality!

Orgo claps happily.

Lius continues to stand with both hands in the air, unfocused eyes looking in the direction of the fresh palerdin. Finally, he fist pumps.

Matteo returns the hug.

Ovrik throws up a handful of petals! They're enchanted. They flow to the girl, gently.

Shépard claps along with Chadley, the biggest smile stretched across his face.

Emirdelle clasps her hands and smiles brightly.

Tohuu claps. A smile tugs at the corner of her mouth.

Mairèad has rose petals in her hair! She lets go of Matteo and smiles at him before turning to face everyone else and waving like an idiot.

Oliver, who's been watching at a distance the entire time, turns to leave with a grin.

Stehl claps. It sounds like a bunch of pans falling.

Oggleton also claps, whispering to Lius, "Wasn't listenin'. They married now?"

Lius nods to Oggleton, not hearing a word he said. "Aye, sir!"

Teach is crying, wiping his tears as manly as possible.

Matteo says: Again, I thank you all for attending.

Emirdelle looks around. "Time for feast?"

Aveta offers a bow to the group, and shifts into a bird. She flies away!

Ovrik raises a hand.

Mairèad says: Emi made food! Stick around and eat some if y'wanna!

Stehl says: You forgot one last thing, Matteo.

Ovrik says: D-diet.

Matteo says: Hm?

Emirdelle says: S'okay. There's fruit my draenei friend.

Stehl says: The part where we take the new paladin and toss her into the lake.

Mairèad blinks.

Matteo says: Oh, of course.
Matteo chuckles.

Mairèad says: What.

Stehl rushes forward. PORTAGE.

Ovrik gasps in horror.

Chadley says: We almost forgot.

Shépard says: I like this part.

Chadley says: Shit.

Orgo snorts.

Ovrik rushes over. HORRIFIED.

Orgo says: Palerdins.

Lius stumbles forward, always up for some portage action.

Ovrik looms.

Mairèad shrieks as she is suddenly surrounded by palerdins who want to throw her in the lake, though she's laughing.

Orgo says: Dammit, Doc! You throw my third-best flask inta th' lake, and I'll shoot ya again!

Stehl hoists her up and goes lake-ward. He's laughing, though it is slightly maniacal.

Chadley chases after, laughing his ass off.

Stehl yells: HEAVE.
Stehl heaves!

Lius attempts to help! As they approach the lake, a distant beep can be heard. His face falls into horror.

Ovrik waves his arms like a housewife that just set her pie on fire.

Chadley yells: HO!

Mairèad is tossed into the lake with a shriek!

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