Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Mairèad, Lucasus, & Shepard -- February 28

Lucasus grabs his satchel and makes to head into the city.

Mairèad peers onto the boat and smiles slightly. " 'scuse me, is Mr. Hhhhheliorn around?"

Lucasus blinks at you.

Mairèad says: Oh! Hi Luke.

Lucasus says: Mair! Ah, hi!
Lucasus says: You're looking for Heliorn?

Mairèad says: Yahar, 'e's a friend a mine. Wan'ed t'check in on 'im.

Lucasus 's brow knits, "Ah, let me check.. "
Lucasus peers around, searchingly.
Lucasus lets out a long, drawn-out sigh.

Mairèad says: Ent thar?

Lucasus says: Ah.. he's.. in a meeting or something.. busy, I guess.
Lucasus shrugs, "Sorry."

Mairèad says: Oh. Well...mebbe I could wait onna boat?

Lucasus smiles at you.
Lucasus says: Sure!
Lucasus puts his satchel down. The city can wait. "Want some tea?"

Mairèad grins at this and pats the wood of the ship, almost fondly. "Y'evarrr climb th'riggin', Luke?"

Lucasus blinks at you.
Lucasus says: What? Ah, no..

Mairèad says: Sure. Onna riggin', or mebbe up th'front.

Lucasus smiles, "I'll get you some.. then.. we can.. I dunno.. go sit?"

Mairèad says: Sure.

Lucasus grabs two cups and fills them with the steaming tea.
Lucasus offers her one. "There you go."

Mairèad takes the mug and blows on the surface of the tea within, cooling it slightly. "Fanks, Luke. Y'sure i's a'righ' if I'm 'ere?"

Lucasus smiles, "Of course! Friends are always welcome. And you're a friend."
Lucasus says: So where do you want to go?
Lucasus smiles as he lifts his cup to blow the steam away, peering at her over the brim.

Mairèad grins. "Good t'know. We kin go, I giss, wharever y'fink's best t'sit. I ent so fond 'a th'riggin', rilly. Might be good t'jest sit in 'ere."

Lucasus shakes his head, "Eh.. i've been sitting in here most of the day.. I could use some fresh air, if that's alright." He smiles a bit, "Oh, I could, ah.. I could grab a blanket, if you'd like. It is a touch chilly."

Mairèad says: Whatevarrr works fer you! We kin go sit onna bow, if y'like.

Lucasus nods at you.
Lucasus says: Let me grab a blanket.
Lucasus takes a blanket from the stack, the same one he had been using before.
Lucasus smiles at you.
Lucasus says: This way!

Mairèad leans over the edge of the boat, inhaling deeply and closing her eyes.

Lucasus looks at her, "You want to go down there? I've been going out there to study the past few days."

Mairèad says: Nawr, this's fine. I kin smell th'wind in me face, an' tha's good 'nuff.

Lucasus smiles at you.

Mairèad turns around and sinks down against the side of the boat, mug of tea still held between her hands.

Lucasus says: Alright.
Lucasus sets his cup down and unfolds the blanket, "Do, ah.. do you want this?"

Mairèad says: Mm, I might in a bit. Th'wind is purty strong.
Mairèad says: 'm used to 'avin' Shep 'round t'keep me warm.

Lucasus chuckles a bit, "I imagine that would work.. what with all the fur.. " He unfolds the blanket and lifts it up to wrap it around her shoulders loosely and then plops down next to her and picks up his cup again.

Mairèad flushes slightly at the blanket-wrapping and rests her back against the wall further. "Yahar, plus 'e's jest a warm person. I mean, once y'git t'know 'im, which's purty 'ard."

Lucasus takes a sip and glances over at her, "He, ah.. he seems nice.. " He shrugs, "I like him enough." He lifts his cup to his nose and breathes in the steam for a moment before taking another sip.

Mairèad sips at her tea far less elegantly with a loud slurping sound. She is so classy. "Yahar, 'e's me bes' friend. Well. One 'a me bes' friends."

Lucasus smirks a bit at her slurping. Oh good. He doesn't have to be all proper. "Ah, he seems like the type to make a good friend. You're lucky, if you ask me.. " He offers a bit of a smile as he leans back against the wall as well, his hand lifting to press his spectecles up.

Mairèad nods again, grinning. " 'e's onleh th'second friend I evarrr 'ad," she admits nonchalantly.

Lucasus 's brow knits a bit as he peers at her, "You only have two friends?"

Mairèad says: Nawr, I got more na'. Butchoo know, I spent mos' me life onna ship...people came an' gone an' Chad was me onleh rill friend fer a rill long time.

Lucasus nods a bit, "Aah.. well its good to make new friends. I've, ah.. just sort of started making friends too."

Mairèad says: Rilly? Didja live onna road, too?

Lucasus 's lips purse for a moment and then he shakes his head, "Ah.. well.. not exactly." His voice lowers a bit, as if he's about to share a secret. "I, ah.. I lived in the orphanage for my whole life.. well.. at least until they kicked me out because I was too old."

Mairèad says: ...y'dunno 'oo yer mam an' dad are?

Lucasus 's brow knits a bit and he shakes his head again, "I, ah.. no.. I don't."

Mairèad reaches over and squeezes Lucasus' hand, a friendly, comforting gesture. " 'm sorreh. I known 'oo me dad was me entire life, but that din' make it better, rilly, if tha's any conserlashun."

Lucasus tenses slightly at the touch for the briefest moment before relaxing, his eyes shifting to her hand as it squeezed his own. "I suppose its just one of things, hm? There's nothing to be done about it.. so I just try not to think about it."

Mairèad says: Tha's fair 'nuff. Kin't change th'past, may's well jest learn from it an' move on.

Lucasus shrugs lightly and looks over at her, studying the side of her face, "I, ah.. I noticed you were upset last night when he came by. I, ah.. I didn't like seeing you upset.. " He frowns slightly, "I assume he's not the greatest father?"

Mairèad says: ...din' e'en meet 'im 'til this year. Like, right 'round Winner Veil.
Mairèad says: 'e was tryin'a git inna me pants.

Lucasus blinks, eyes going wide. "He.. he what?" His brow knits tightly. "That's.. that's some way to meet your father.. "

Mairèad says: Yahar, Chad said I should jest tell 'im 'oo I was an' git it over wiff.
Mairèad says: So I did. An' 'e ran off.

Lucasus nods a bit, "Probably best that way.. " He peers at her, "But.. that's.. awful.. I'm sorry you didn't have a good dad."
Lucasus smiles a bit and leans over to pat her hand lightly, "But.. if you ask me.. you, ah.. turned out pretty well."

Mairèad shrugs a shoulder, causing the blanket to slide down her arm. " 'm kinna used to it. An'...tha's rill sweet 'a you, Luke, rill sweet."

Lucasus chuckles lightly, "It's just the truth of it, Mair.. " Not a moment after the blanket falls from her shoulder, his hand is there, pulling it back up over her, though he doesn't seem to pay it much mind otherwise. "I think I'd rather just not ever meet my parents than meet them and have them be.. not good."

Mairèad says: Yahar, I giss. Chad's got it rough...'is dad's a deader an' I giss 'e wun' so great when 'e was alive. But...I mean, y'got th'Sigil na', right? They're kinna like fambly?

Lucasus smiles a bit, "Kind of, I suppose.. I'm lucky to have found them.. I'm lucky to have found -all- of my new friends."
Lucasus glances at her and gives her a bit of a smirk before looking down at his hands in his lap.

Mairèad chuckles. The blanket slides down her arm again, the arm closest to Lucasus. "Yahar, I know th'feelin'. Glad t'countchoo 'mong me new friends."

Lucasus 's hand is there again, pulling it back up over her shoulder, "This blanket sure doesn't want to keep you warm.. " He chuckles lightly.

Mairèad laughs at the blanket, shaking her head. "Prolly 'cause 'm so tiny. Blankets like t'stay on bigger people."

Lucasus smiles a bit, "Probably.." He clears his throat, "Ah.. here.. " He scooches closer to her and leans forward to grab both sides of the blanket and give it a tug, pulling it around her more securely. Then he'd stay there, his arm and shoulder pressed against her's to sort of pin the blanket in place.

Mairèad chuckles, setting her mug down and holding onto the blanket from the inside. "Fanks. I don' uzhully use blankets offa beds, y'know?"

Lucasus smirks a bit, "Nor do I.. but, ah.. we'll make it work." He leans back against the wall once more and lets out a rather contented sigh.

Mairèad says: So y'like bein' onna Kell-Tallen?

Lucasus chuckles, "Ah, its.. new. I've never been on a ship before.. but I like it enough. Better than sleeping on the streets to be certain.. "
Lucasus says: But I bet you feel more at home on a ship than off, hm?

Mairèad says: Y'slep' onna -streets-?! Light's sake, Luke!

Lucasus 's brow knits, "Ah.. well.. when they kicked me out of the orphanage.. I didn't exactly have anywhere to go.. " He shrugs, "Its really not so bad. It gets cold sometimes.. but.. its managable.. "

Mairèad says: Luke...

Lucasus smiles, "But.. thats over now.. I get to sleep inside a boat!"

Mairèad lets go of the blanket for long enough to wrap part of it around Lucasus' shoulders, too. She does so without really commenting on it, though her face is a solid 8(

Lucasus furrows his brow and tenses slightly again as she wraps the blanket around him as well. After a moment he lets out a breath and relaxes into it and against her. He glances at her and offers a thankful smile, "Really.. its like my whole life has changed in just a few weeks. I've got a place to stay.. plenty of food.. blankets.. and friends.. " With the last word he leaned over sort of playfully shouldering her lightly.

Mairèad says: Sounds like a miracle 'a th'Light t'me.

Lucasus smiles at that, "I believe it is.. I really do. But I'm not going to complain about my life before.. even then.. the Light was taking of me.. " He nods. A moment later he adds, "But I like this a lot better. I wouldn't be here right now talking to you if it hadn't changed."

Mairèad grins, elbowing him back. "See, this's why I fink you'll be a great palerdin. Y'got amazin' faith. I's kinna refreshin' t'see."

Lucasus smiles a bit and looks at her face fully for the first time since they got up here, "How's it refreshing? Every paladin has faith in the Light.. most far more than me."

Mairèad says: Nawr, yer too 'umble. Y'got more faith in yer pinky fingarrrr'n a lot of 'em combined. Jest gotta learn t'start 'ittin' people wiff swords an' you'll be ordained in no time.

Lucasus 's cheek color slightly at the compliment, "Oh, I don't know about that.. " He chuckles uneasily before his face settles into a smile, "But.. thank you.. that means a lot coming from you.. " He clears his throat, "But, yes.. I need to work on my combat skills."

Mairèad says: Well. 'm sure if whatchoo showed me t'day progresses, you'll be a star in no time.

Lucasus chuckles lightly again, "Today was embarrassing. Shepard probably thinks I'm pathetic.. " He sighs.

Mairèad says: Eh. 'oo cares what Shep finks 'a you. Y'ent tryin'a impress 'im.

Lucasus smiles and glances at her, "Ah, no.. I suppose I'm not. That said.. you, ah.. you probably do too." He glances down at where his hands would be if there wasn't a blanket over them.

Mairèad says: Prolly do what?
Mairèad says: Fink yer pathetic?

Lucasus furrows his brow slightly and just nods, eyes not moving.

Mairèad laughs at this, shaking her head. "Tha's silly. Nobody knows 'ow t'swordfight t'start wiff. I don' fink yer pathetic 'tall."

Lucasus smirks a bit, "I suppose you're right.. still.. its a little embarrassing." He shrugs a bit and reaches up to scratch his cheek and push his glasses up.

Mairèad says: 'ey, 'least y'ent seen me onna edge of a cliff yet.
Mairèad says: Na' -that- is embarrassin'.

Lucasus grins a bit and turns to peer at her, "What? Afraid of heights?"

Mairèad nods, laughing sheepishly. " 'cause 'a always bein' onna sea, y'know?"
Mairèad says: Y'don' 'afta worreh 'bout fallin' an' gittin' smashed when yer onna sea, 'cause th'sea keeps goin'.
Mairèad says: But when i's ground...
Mairèad shudders, covering her face with both hands and laughing. "Don' e'en like finkin' 'bout it!"

Lucasus smirks, "That's understandable." He just watches her as she covers her face, smirking all the while. "Well.. if we're ever near a cliff together.. I'll tie a rope around you and tie it around my waist. Then you won't have anything to worry about."

Mairèad says: Then you'd fall over wiff me!

Lucasus scoffs, "I could catch your weight. I'm not -that- weak and pathetic."

Mairèad says: What if it was a rill big wind'r sumfin'?

Lucasus purses his lips, "Ah.. well.. I don't know." He shrugs, "I'd find a way to keep you from plummeting to your doom." He smirks and nudges her.
Lucasus says: But we aren't on a cliff.. and you're not gonna fall.. so.. no need worrying over it.
Lucasus reaches over, under the blanket, and pats her hand.

Mairèad squeezes his hand in return. "I 'ppreshate th'gesture. I jest try t'avoid cliffs, though. 'eights rilly skeer me."
Mairèad says: What skeers you?

Lucasus furrows his brow, "That's not a good question to ask me.' He chuckles uneasily. "I'm scared of a lot.. " He sighs.

Mairèad says: What skeers you th'most?

Lucasus purses his lips for a moment, "Being alone again.. " His brow knits and he nods, eyes set on the blanket.

Mairèad doesn't say anything in response, simply squeezing his hand again.

Lucasus glances at her with the squeeze and smiles a bit. "But I'm not that worried about that. I think I've found good friends."

Mairèad says: I fink you 'ave.
Mairèad says: These Sigil people seem like nice folks.

Lucasus smiles, "They are. But I was talking about you." He chuckles uneasily and glances at her.

Mairèad 's cheeks flush and she laughs. "Oh."

Lucasus laughs as well because ffff what else is he gonna do.

Mairèad says: Tha's rill sweet 'a you t'say, Luke. Rilly is.

Lucasus clears his throat a bit and looks at her with a hint of a smile, "I.. I mean it, Mair. I'm glad I met you. There's.. I don't know.. something special about you."
Lucasus shrugs a bit and pulls the blanket in a little more snugly on his side.

Mairèad says: ...is thar?
Mairèad does the same, laughing a little as she does.
Mairèad says: Nevarrr 'ad people tell me that 'afore.

Lucasus clears his throat and smiles a bit as he looks down, "Ah, yes.. you're like a litte firefly.. a lot of times thigns just seem sort of dark.. and sad.. but then there you are being all happy regardless.. little firelfy.. blinking your little light in the dark." He chuckles lightly, "Makes me smile."

Mairèad 's eyes go rather wide and her cheeks flush, though it's hard to see in the dark. She coughs a little bit, laughing as well, clearly smiling. "Tha's amazin'. You a poet, Luke?" She totally avoids the subject like a pro.

Lucasus blinks, "What? No.. ah.. not really.. I mean.. I've written a little.. but.. no.. " He chuckles lightly, as he turns to look at her, studying her face for a moment, though the current lighting does hide her blushing. "I mean it, Mair.. you're special."

Mairèad coughs again, still laughing somewhat, ducking her head. "Yahar, so're you," she mumbles awkwardly.

Lucasus chuckles lightly and then just sighs, "You don't have to think so.. just saying I do." He smirks. "And.. I'm not special like you are.. I don't think I make anyone smile every time they see me." He chuckles a bit.

Mairèad says: No, y'are special. Y'rilly are. An' y'make me smile, y'rilly do.
Mairèad still isn't looking at him, head still ducked, ears growing redder by the second.

Lucasus is now looking at her, smiling a bit. "Uh.. are you okay?"

Mairèad says: ...yahar. Jest yer sayin' rill nice fin's's all, 'm not used t'it.

Lucasus chuckles lightly, "I'm.. I'm just being honest." He smiles a bit and reaches over, under the blanket, to find her hand - which he grabs and holds for a moment. "If we're going to be friends, you'll need to get used to it."

Shepard sniffs the air again. "Hmf. I know I recognize the scent..."

Lucasus says: If I like y-..
Lucasus whispers, "Was that Shepard?"

Mairèad practically jumps up. "Shep? You 'ere?"

Shepard says: ... Mairead?

Lucasus blinks and hops up as well.

Mairèad gives a light, airy laugh, forgetting the blanket on the ground. "Light's sake, y'startled me! What're y'doin' 'ere?"

Shepard tilts his head. "... So you were here. Thought I recognized the scent." He blinks. "Am I interrupting something?"

Mairèad says: Oh no, me an' Luke was jest talkin'. ...Light, what time's it?

Lucasus just stands there like a deer in headlights.

Shepard 's eyes glaze over. "... A little past eleven."

Mairèad says: Ahh fuck. I gotta git back to th'Cathedral. Walk wiff me, Shep?

Shepard says: I- Erm. Sure?

Mairèad smiles broadly at Shepard and turns back to Lucasus. "I'll see ya soon, yahar?"

Lucasus clears his throat and nods quickly, "Ah.. I hope so.. " He smiles at her. "Ah.. have a good night, Mr. Shepard."

Shepard just slowly nods. "Right..."

Mairèad says: Light be wiff you, Luke. Fanks fer th'tea an' company.

[They leave the Quel'Talan behind]

Mairèad is walking at what one might call a brisk pace.

Shepard says: ... Did something happen?

Mairèad says: Shep, 'e was sayin' fin's like Imma firefly. I am so so so so so so so so so SO sorreh fer puttin' y'through that. I ent nevarrr gunna confess me attracshun t'you evarrrr aginn.

Shepard blinks, then tugs on his beard. "Erm. Okay then."
Shepard says: So. He is... attracted to you.

Mairèad says: 'e -likes- me Shep. Light's sake, 'e dun' jest -like- me, i's like Imma goddess to 'im'r sumfin'. We gotta 'ook 'im up wiff Emily.

Shepard says: How long have you known him?

Mairèad says: Like, two days!...'r mebbe a week. Somewhar in thar.
Mairèad says: -Don'- ply th'similartees, I know a'ready.

Shepard says: And you are already a goddess. Ah, Stormwind...

Mairèad says: Well, I mean, i's flatterin'.
Mairèad says: But...'e's so -shy-. I kin't be meself 'round 'im.

Shepard says: Try.

Mairèad says: I did.

Shepard says: Keep trying.

Mairèad says: 'e took it as a declarashun 'a undyin' love.

Shepard says: ... Oh.

Mairèad says: Yahar. I known 'im MEBBE two weeks, TOPS.

Shepard says: Perhaps he should read a book on relationships.

Mairèad sighs and stops, turning around and resting her forehead on Shepard. "Y'know tha's why I love you s'much, righ'? Y'let me be meself an' y'don' assume I mean anyfin' by it."
Mairèad says: ...friend-love.

Shepard blinks, both eyes darting down to her. "If you were not yourself, then there would be no truth between us."

Mairèad says: Ezzac'ly. Wiff you, i's easy 'cause I know yer gunna still be thar, n'matter what. An' same wiff Chad. Luke's...'e's like a skeerd rabbit.

Shepard says: I eat rabbits.

Mairèad snorts out a laugh, still burying her face against Shepard. "Y'don' gotta eat 'im. But...Light's sake, i's like 'e wants t'marry me'r sumfin'."

Shepard says: If he makes you uncomfortable, then I shall be your...
Shepard 's nose twitches. "Hm."

Mairèad is frowning in thought, not that Shepard can see it. "Me what?"

Shepard says: I do not know. Guardian? Brother? I am unsure as to what you label my position.

Mairèad says: It dun' need labels.

Shepard shakes his head. "Ah, I know."

Mairèad , after a beat, wraps her arms around Shepard's waist and repeats in a small, almost childlike voice, "I love you, Shep. Mean it."

Shepard gulps, his hands fidgeting with the sides of his legs as his eyes flick from one object to the next. Finally, in mouthful, "Loveyoutoo."

Mairèad doesn't do the cartwheels her inner self is doing at this. She just squeezes him a little tighter before grinning up at him. "Fanks fer t'night. I'll see you t'morrow?"

Shepard says: You should. If not, relay what happens and I shall take appropriate action.

Mairèad says: 'Course. An' same wiff you an' Emily. Light be wiff you, Shep.

Shepard says: And you, Mairead.

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