Sunday, March 13, 2011

Senkha & Oliver -- March 13

Senkha smiles, inhaling the cool air and taking in the scenery. "Light, Oliver, this is -perfect-."

Oliver slides her down from Gatha's back into his arms. The horse, as before, wanders off to graze. He trips over a bush, letting out a loud ghostly shriek before righting himself and continuing on like nothing happened. Oliver simply stares.

Senkha watches Gatha as well, chuckling. "I've missed him. Oh, it's so nice out here. There's so much -life-. The grass...mmm..." She takes a deep breath, drawing in the scent, allowing Oliver to enjoy it as well.

Oliver smiles as he suddenly swears he can feel the ocean breeze on his face. "Let's head t'tha edge, we're jus' in tahm fer sundown."

Senkha grins and nods, shifting in Oliver's arms, making those horrible noises. "I'm glad we're here. I'm glad to be here with -you-."'

Oliver walks her to the edge. When they reach it, he lowers her gently onto the grass and drops down beside her. Gatha whinnies pathetically about something in the background.
Oliver says: Light, y'kin really see th' damage up here.

Senkha hastily hikes up her skirt and begins to undo her braces. She's gotten much faster at it, and it's only a few minutes before they're discarded behind her and she's massaging her right leg again, all while looking up at the sun. "You can."
Senkha says: Remember when we were hiding out in Radok's basement?

Oliver says: Hnh. Ah'd almost say those days was easy, hah!

Senkha chuckles, lying back on the grass and closing her eyes. She's concentrating, and the result is that Oliver -can- feel the ocean breeze, the soft grass beneath them, the coolness of the evening. "I'm glad we've come this far, though."
Senkha says: I can't believe it's almost been a year that we've been married.

Oliver gestures to the scene stretching in front of them. "... Here's t' many more."

Senkha grins, lifting up her right hand to examine her wedding ring, still there despite everything. "To many more. Why do we wear our rings on our right hands anyway?"

Oliver says: ... At th' tahm, Ah was lackin' a left finger. An', it jus'-
Oliver hesitates. "Y'was somebody new, not a replacement," he admits.

Senkha looks over at Oliver and gives him a soft smile. "I never want to replace her."

Oliver says: So it seemed-
Oliver says: Ah'm sorry.

Senkha says: Don't be sorry, love. I was just wondering. Part of me thought maybe we should switch know, so it's clearer...but.
Senkha reaches out for Oliver; she can't quite reach him, but he can feel that reach. "If you'd rather not, neither would I."

Oliver says: ... No! Let's do it. No sense in not. Can't brag Ah'm married with a ring on th' wrong hand.
Oliver says: Jus' don't seem right. Dunno whut Ah was thinkin'.

Senkha pushes herself up on her elbows and smiles at Oliver. "Well, you were missing the finger to start. Help me up so we can do this properly."

Oliver unclasps his gauntles. He twists his ring off the right ring finger and looks at her. "Properly? Ah was jus' gunna switch it."

Senkha pushes herself into a sitting position with a little effort. "Well, I thought we might have some sort of ceremony to it, you know? Nothing big, just...something nice."

Oliver bows his head down, shaking it and chuckling. "A'rite, if y'wanna turn this inna somethin'..." He pushes himself up from the ground and takes her by the hands. "Ready? Lift!"

Senkha allows Oliver to lift her, favoring her right leg and stumbling a bit on the left.

Oliver watches as she stumbles a little. "Y'should start exursahzin' that leg. Jus' liftin' it an' touchin' th' floor with it an' such."

Senkha nods. "It's easier with the brace on," she admits, "but I can still stand on it a little. So." She lets go of his arm long enough to reach for the ring in his hand. "Shall we?"

Oliver holds out his hand. "B'lieve Ah need somethin' 'a yers, first."

Senkha smiles sheepishly and removes the ring from her right hand, holding it out towards Oliver. "Should we say something?"

Oliver says: If y'really want ter.

Senkha says: ...I kind of do.

Oliver takes her ring, letting it loop around the tip of his pinky. He smiles in amusement at its smallness. "All you, then."

Senkha smiles, holding onto Oliver's right arm for balance as she slips his wedding band onto his left ring finger. She tries to come up with something deep and meaningful, but all she manages is, "I love you, Oliver Tavin MacGlynn. Until the end of time."

Oliver laughs- she may have forgotten, but he holds full witness to her attempts to come up with something deep and meaningful. All attempts. "An' here Ah was worried yuh had some kinna speech purpared!"
Oliver smiles down at her. "Ah'm shit with words. Ah'd 'a not come up with nuthin' good anyway. Yer mine. Don't want y' t'ever think Ah feel any diffrint, y'hear?"
Oliver says: Ah put this on yer finger, Ah want no more 'a this "better off without me" bullshit.

Senkha smiles and lifts Oliver's ring finger to her mouth to kiss the ring. "And you're mine. Forever."
Senkha says: And I don't want any of that bullshit either. You make every day worth living, you know?

Oliver grins. "A'rite then. No more 'a this emotional "woe is me" bullshit." He slides the ring onto her finger and announces loudly, gesturing back out toward the ocean as the last of the sun sinks below it, "Ah now purnounce us husband an' wife. Again."

Senkha giggles, all illuminated by the setting sun. "Does this mean we get to kiss again?"

Oliver 's brows raise. "Ah s'pose it does."

Senkha grins and tries to stand on the toes of her left foot. This doesn't go over so well, so she just wraps her arms around Oliver's neck, smiling. "You may now kiss the bride."

Oliver hoists her back up into his arms- it's how he's been carrying her all along, but really, it's not unlike how a groom would carry his bride. Her face level with his, he covers her mouth with (what's left of) his, in a proper wedding kiss.

Senkha meets the kiss with about as much fervor as she can muster, despite that he is, in fact, a zombie. When she pulls back, her cheeks are actually flushed. "Thank you, love."

Oliver smiles. "Didn' really get t'do that proper back when, whut with-" He stops. Stares. A tiny beetle has latched itself onto her lip.

Senkha blinks and touches her lip, pulling the beetle off. To her credit, she doesn't freak out, just lets it fly away. "You didn't used to have this many beetles," she remarks conversationally.

Oliver watches it fly away until it disappears. He makes no comment on the ruined moment, and simply agrees casually, as if they're talking about acne, "Yeah. Ah should work on that. Been lettin' it git outta hand."

Senkha flexes her right foot some, cringing, and focuses back on the left. "You've been spending too much time with Wilhiem and his bugs. I'll bet he gets a raging boner just thinking about having a colony of beetles living in him."

Oliver snorts. "Ah hardly know th' guy, t'be honest. No, if they don't git other corpses t'breed in, they jus' keep breedin' in me. Ain't killed much, don't kill all that much when Ah -do- bother t' kill."

Senkha says: And you've been staying here with me instead of going to Acherus.

Oliver says: Mhm. Ah kin dump 'em there, if Ah really wanna.

Senkha grins, pulling herself up to kiss Oliver's cheek lightly, though he can still feel it. "And do you want to?"

Oliver grunts. "It kin wait. Ah need t' kill soon anyway. Kin jus' deal with it then."
Oliver says: Or hell, fob 'em off on Wil.

Senkha says: He'd love you forever. Oliver...
Senkha hesitates and asks, in a low and uncertain voice, "...may I come with you when you kill next?"

Oliver closes his eyes, as if he saw this one coming. His response doesn't come quickly, but at the same time, doesn't seem hesitant. "If y'wish."

Senkha blinks, as if she wasn't expecting this response. "Really?" she asks, barely above a whisper.

Oliver nods.

Senkha pulls herself close to Oliver again, holding him around the neck. "Thank you. I know how hard that is for you. Thank you."

Oliver says: It seems t'be somethin' about me y'don't care about.

Senkha opens her eyes to look at Oliver straight-on, frowning some. "How do you mean?"

Oliver says: Ah'm ashamed 'a it. Ah'm ashamed 'a a lot 'a things about me, an' it takes me real slow t' think, shit, maybe she really don't care.

Senkha tilts her head to the side, considering Oliver. "It doesn't bother me. I care that you're ashamed of it. I'd be hypocritical of me to hate you or be angry about any of those things."

Oliver says: Ah s'pose it may be. Hell, not sure why Ah'm even tellin' y'this. Ah said y'could go, don't make a diff'rence!

Senkha smiles and reaches in to kiss along Oliver's neck, carefully watching for beetles between each kiss. "You're telling me because you love me and you know that I love you and love when you open up like this."

She does not encounter any beetles. Something squirms under his flesh as she touches her lips to it, though. He gives yet another grunt in response.

Senkha says: Thank you for taking care of me, sweetheart. You don't know how much it means to me. It's...I mean, with you... it's like for the first time ever, I have a real home.

Oliver closes his eyes and smiles as the sensation of her lips on his neck registers with him. "Funny talk, considerin' up 'til you, Ah was homeless."
Oliver chuckles. "Back at this again."

Senkha grins, continuing to kiss him, the sensation intensifying. "I may as well have been. I didn't ever really belong anywhere or to anyone. And now I'm yours, entirely."

Oliver leans his neck into her kisses, forgetting for a moment the close proximity to his grotesque death wound. "An' ha' th' hell did Ah luck out wi' that one."

Senkha brings her lips up his neck to his cheek, just beside his ear. "Must've done something worthwhile in all your years. Someone up there may not have it in for us completely after all."

Oliver drops back to the ground. With her in his arms the way she is, she winds up perfectly in his lap. "Ah don't know why we're standin'. Ah bet them lunatics is still arguin' down there."
Oliver blinks. "But lemme know if yer feelin' cold! Ah dunno ha' yuh'd do in th' cold!"

Senkha chuckles, leaning in to continue her trail of kisses along Oliver's cheek and neck. "These robes are nice and warm and after spending a week in nothing but direct sunlight, it's nice out."

Oliver 's eyes close as her lips touch his neck again. "If y'insist. Y'have 'nuther layer 'a clothes there... could sleep out here, if y'want."

Senkha 's eyes light up. She shifts some so that she can look at Oliver straight-on. "Really?"

Oliver smiles brightly back at her. "Ah don't see why not!"

Senkha wraps her arms around Oliver's neck as tightly as she had before and kisses him. It's as if he's told her that she can magically walk again!...only she can't. So it's not really that great.

Oliver looks like he didn't expect that reaction! He laughs as his neck is tugged down by her hug, and he reaches to unclasp his cloak. Once he has, he pulls it over her. "An' look at that, perfect view 'a th' moon comin' up."

Senkha turns slightly in his arms and smiles at the moon rising over the sea. "I can't see a bit of this from that room on the boat. I'm...I'm glad it's such a simple room. And I'm glad you're often there with me."

Oliver says: Ah fuckin' hate that room, hah.

Senkha wrinkles her nose, leaving another trail of kisses along Oliver's neck. "So do I. It...well, it's not exactly like it, but it reminds me of the room Mystadon kept me in."

Oliver says: ... Prob'ly smells too much lahk sex t'confuse yah too much.

Senkha says: ...his room smelled like sex. But it smelled a lot more like booze and gunpowder.
Senkha shifts herself upwards, nestling her head underneath Oliver's chin with a sigh. "And when I wake up mornings here, it's your face I see, and I know anything you'll do to me is something I want."

Oliver says: Well. Unless y'want somethin' dumb.

Senkha says: I know I want dumb things sometimes. Like peanutbutter cookies.

Oliver says: Ah do feel bad 'bout not gettin' y'those. Guess it's th' least y'deserved.

Senkha chuckles and shakes her head. "Don't feel too bad. Liotuse brought me some, and they were delicious."

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