Sunday, January 23, 2011

Senkha & Llew: January 22, late

Senkha says: Sorry to have yelled at your girl. My temper's been short all day.

Wheaton shakes his head. "She was hangin' around causin' trouble."

Senkha laughs fondly, giving Llew a slight squeeze. "Reminds me of someone else I once knew."

Wheaton chuckles slightly at that. "I wouldn't know who you're referring to."

Senkha says: ...well. It's not the Lighthouse, but it's pretty far removed. What do you think?

Wheaton glances around them for a moment. Not ideal, but it's alright for now. He leads her over to the edge of the canal and sits.

Senkha plops down, facing the water and letting her legs dangle. She leans back to rest her head on Llew's shoulder. "I'm sorry this all happened to you, Cous. I wish I could take it all away."

Wheaton reaches over to take her hand as they settle there on the short wall. He slumps a bit, leaning back against her. "Ain't your fault," he says softly. "Per usual I was a dumb ass and did it to myself."

Senkha shrugs, still resting her head on Llew's shoulder. "Shit happens. I've done it more than a few times myself. I...I'm just glad you're back safe now. Any stupidity on your part doesn't matter."

Wheaton takes a deep breath as he watches their hands. "I cain't sleep, Sennie. Ain't slept a wink since I got back. It's bad enough what they left me with when I'm awake, but the second I close my eyes and that dark comes . . "

Senkha sighs quietly, squeezing Llew's hand. "She left an Imprint," she states quietly.

Wheaton looks over at her, frowning. So tired. "A what?"

Senkha says: Whenever you face physical or psychological trauma, who or whatever is causing the trauma leaves a mark on your mind, something that will terrorize you until the darker parts of your subconscious--your Guardian--rise up and destroy it.

Wheaton pauses, frowning. "She --... I don't understand what all that is.. but she kept talking about a guardian. And calling for it.. and then she caught my moth and she squished it."
Wheaton says: I don't understand what that is.

Senkha closes her eyes, still holding onto Llew's hand. "Everyone has one of a sort...when bad things happen to you and you sort of lose yourself to rage or fear or viciousness...that's your Guardian."
Senkha says: It protects your mind...the good parts of you...from being overly damaged by outside influences. Most people's Guardians aren't drawn out and developed, but...Light, your moth?

Wheaton grips her hand lightly, his voice quieting, weakening. "I don't feel nothin' but sad, Sennie. I feel all empty inside and like I ain't nothin' but a burden on everybody." His brow furrows deep. "For fuck's sake, I was cryin' earlier... -ME-, -'cryin'-... Tellin' Bryn she should go live her life and let me just wither alone, because that's what I deserve." He sighs raggedly. "I know that ain't me, but that's all I feel. Just sad and worthless."

Senkha turns her head slightly to kiss Llew's shoulder. "I could tell that things were missing from your mind when I looked...things that would've been there. Should have been there. Do you remember what happened?"

Wheaton says: What happened? With her?
Wheaton sighs, looking over at her.

Senkha says: Mmhm.

Wheaton says: She reached in and found the things that were important to me . . and she started rippin' 'em out.
Wheaton says: And she brought all the bad stuff to the front and just sort of left it there.
Wheaton says: There's stuff I know I should remember . . but I can't.

Senkha nods slowly, still resting her cheek against Llew's shoulder. "And that's why you can't see anything but darkness now when you close your eyes. Did...did she take -everything- good from you?"

Wheaton says: It ain't darkness I see... it's . .
Wheaton takes a deep breath, gazing off down the street.

Senkha nods slowly, "Tell me about it. The more I know, the more I can try and help."

Wheaton says: It's Bryn mangled up and dead. Or chained up at that bastard's feet. It's you getting ripped to pieces. Pa sayin' he hates me, you sayin' you hate me, Bryn hating me. My littl--
Wheaton pauses at that.
Wheaton grips her hand and looks at her again.
Wheaton says: It's all I see. Lots of hate and tears.

Senkha says: ...that's an Imprint.
Senkha says: None of it's real. She wanted to make sure you never forgot her, and she wanted to make it so that you couldn't move on.
Senkha sounds incredibly hateful as she says this, though there's a note of pain behind her voice.

Wheaton frowns, leaning over against Senkha a little more. "I just wanna sleep, Sennie... I'm so fuckin' tired."

Senkha closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. "I can help with that. What I can do for you...I can leave a piece of my mind in yours to fight off the Imprint, at least until I can talk to Marius. He...he'll be able to repair the damage she did better than I can."

Wheaton gently grips at her hand, looking over at her. "You're the only one I trust, Sen.. if you can help me.. just even one night's sleep.. I'd do anything."

Senkha smiles at Llew, touching his cheek with her hand. "You don't have to do anything for me in return, Llew. I'm doing this because..." She sighs softly and looks up at the sky. "When I was growing up, you kind of saved me, you know?"
Senkha says: You were the reason I never burned out. Never died. But now it's time for me to save you.

Wheaton looks at her seriously, weary. And touched. His normally warm, bright eyes are so dull. He releases her hand and curls his arm across her. He kisses her temple. "You're my Girl," he says softly. "The only one that ever gave a shit about me. I'd do anything for you."

Senkha holds Llew close to her and closes her eyes. "Same, Llew. I'll always be your Girl, no matter what." She pulls back some to smile weakly at him. "This is going to be a little weird. You ready?"

Wheaton says: One question first?

Senkha says: Shoot.

Wheaton says: If there are things there I know I want up front, but I can't do it alone . . can you bring 'em up in front of everything else, with what you leave?

Senkha nods. "Just tell me what you want. I'll see if I can find it while I'm in there and bring it to the fore for you. Good dreams tonight, I promise."

Wheaton says: There's a little girl in there. On a farm in Westfall. Looks just like me.
Wheaton takes a breath, and closes his eyes.

Senkha doesn't question this but simply nods, hugging Llew around the waist again. "What of her I can find, I'll make sure she's in your dreams tonight. Promise. You ready?"

Wheaton nods, bracing himself for that weird tingly feeling.

Senkha nods and closes her eyes placing her hand on Llew's cheek. She furrows her brow in concentration, careful not to let herself be distracted.

After just a moment, Llew would notice a new presence in his mind--familiar, comforting, just as Senkha has always been, but distinctly powerful. It's not malicious in any way and is looking for that little girl, first and foremost.

There are a lot of memories of that little girl, most of them dotted with empty spots where moments were removed. All of the images are from a distance, most them involving an old tree stump being used as a chair, or a table for teddy bear tea party.

Senkha seizes on several memories immediately, the ones where he's closest, and pulls them to the front of his mind immediately. With these, she brings what little she can find of herself and Bryn as well, just a few additional memories, enough to create some derpishly adorable dreams. This done, she sets to work binding the memories to the front of his mind and pushing back the bad. This is likely the most uncomfortable part of the process...the good memories remain to the fore, but the bad can't help but flash across his mind.

Wheaton sighs quietly, his head leaned over against hers. A sigh of relief.

The last part of the process is something Llew likely wouldn't even notice until he began to dream...there's an odd, almost severing sensation from Senkha's mind. All he would know is the image of her smiling face, but tonight, if the nightmares try to return, Senkha will be there, fighting them off, never flagging or tiring. She may also have angel wings--but those are Dizzy's touch.

Senkha 's fingers tense against Llew's face and there is an inaudible rushing sound from around them as she inhales sharply. After another moment, she opens her eyes and the connection withdraws.
Senkha says: ...a-alright?

Wheaton 's eyes don't open right away. He just leans there, holding onto her a few moments longer. There is a nod. He clears his throat quietly. And then he lets her go and sits up. "Yeah. Alright. Thanks to you."

Senkha shakes her head, smiling sadly. "It's not a permanent'll last a week before it starts getting weaker. When you're less tired, Llew, we'll work together...I'll have Marius help try to repair some of the damage. You'll be okay, but it'll take time."

Wheaton looks over at her, smiling softly. "I'm happy with the thought of a full night of sleep." He leans over and kisses her cheek.

Senkha grins at the kiss, resting her head against Llew's for half a second. "Let's get you to bed somewhere. I'll see if I can't find that girl of yours and send her up after good to see her when you wake up, yeah?"

Wheaton smiles, nodding. "I'll just wander back to the inn. It ain't far from here. Have myself a quick nip, and flop out." He sighs. "Sounds real nice."

Senkha impulsively reaches over and pulls Llew into a tight hug, tighter than he gave her even when he came back. "Sweet dreams, Llew. When you're more rested, let me know. I promise, I'll fix you."

Wheaton hugs her tight right back, and kisses her cheek again. "You're my angel," he whispers. And then he's up, and sauntering off down the street.

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