Thursday, January 6, 2011

Senkha & Dizzy: January 6

Senkha hesitates before knocking on Dizzy's door. "Monkey? You awake in there?"

Ariadine turns her head on her pillow to look at the door, her voice is tired and faint. "Yeah..."

Senkha pushes the door open just enough to slip through and sits on the end of the bed, reaching over to pat Dizzy's side gently. "How you feeling? Is it-- " Asking if it's getting better seems superfluous, so Senkha just leaves the question there.

Ariadine lays on her bed, jsut blankly staring at the ceiling. Her eyes have dark circles under them and her hair is an unbrushed mess. She obviously hasn't slept well or taken any care of herself in the past few days.
Ariadine says: ... 'm countin' th' time between each fade-away. 's abou' ev'ry five hours now.
Ariadine 's expression is just a tired, and resigned grimace.

Senkha nods understandingly, standing to take a brush from Dizzy's bedside table. "C'mere, let me brush your hair for you," she says quietly, more an attempt at some normalcy than anything else. "I read something today."

Ariadine slowly gets up from her side and crawls to sit in front of Senkha, "Really?"

Senkha begins to slowly and gently work the tangles out of Dizzy's hair. "I thought it might help was in that big book that Grampa Marius gave me, the one that taught me how to fix brains."
Senkha says: It said that sometimes, bad things that happen to people can make it so that there's two people in one body...two personalities, sort of. Does that sound about right?

Ariadine nods slightly, "S'ppose it does..." A weak smile spreads across her face, the simple comfort of getting her hair brushed was a nice feeling. Especially coming from her mother. "Can I get fixed?"

Senkha sighs quietly at this. "Yes. But Dizzy...the thing is that I can't fix you. The only person who can fix you is you...but you -can- fix yourself." She moves onto the next section of hair, still brushing gently.

Ariadine 's shoulders sag at this, "...Jus' so tired."

Senkha leans forward to kiss the back of Dizzy's head. "I know, baby. I know it's exhausting. Somewhere in your mind, though, there's someone who can help you. If...if the other girl takes over and you can't get back, you need to find that helper."

Ariadine smiles weakly, and her voice squeaks slightly as she replies. "I have a helper?"

Senkha nods, moving on to another section of hair. "You do, just like I do and just like Daddy does. I imagine your helper...your Guardian...isn't too happy with the other girl."

Ariadine scowls, "No one is happy with her." she slowly leans back against Senkha. "So... when I do go. I can get back maybe?"

Senkha stops brushing Dizzy's hair and wraps her arms around her daughter's shoulders, holding her close. "Yes. You can. You are strong enough to get back and make the other girl go away forever, if you want."
Senkha says: But it's a strength you have to find yourself...I can't find it for you.

Ariadine sinks into her mother's arms, a hopeful smile spreading across her face. "I will try my hardest. I don't want t'let you down anymore..."

Senkha looks surprised at this, frowning at Dizzy. "You don't let me down, Monkey. You never let me down. I...sometimes I'm afraid of loving you too much because I'm afraid of how much it would hurt to lose you, but you never let me down."

Ariadine says: 'm afraid of what she will do t'you 'n Daddy. Don't want you t'look at me any diff'rent 'r forget what I really am when I am gone.

Senkha closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, exhaling slowly. "You know I could never forget you. And I know who you really are. I always will. And I know that you'll always fight to come back to us."
Senkha says: Just like I'll always fight to find you. Just like Daddy will always fight for both of us.

Ariadine says: I love you so much Momma. Y'gave me everything I ever could need 'r want and now something that 's me but not me is ruining it all and hurting you an' Daddy an' everyone I loved an'--
Ariadine says: ... If I came back... would y'ever look at me th'same?

Senkha hugs Dizzy more tightly. "When you come back, yes. You will always be my babygirl, no matter what happens. Nothing and nobody can change that or take it away. I promise."

Ariadine turns in Senkha's arms to return the hug. Her small shoulders shudder under Senkha's grasp as she begins to cry. The full on I've been holding this in for a week fml kind of cry. Because seriously, fuck their lives.

Senkha holds Dizzy close and tight, kissing the top of her head and smoothing her hair down. "We'll get through this, Dizz. We will. I have faith in you, and you know that Daddy and I will never give up."
Senkha says: No matter what happens, we will always find you, and I know you'll always find a way back to us. That's what love does.

Ariadine 's crying slowly comes to an end. Curling her fingers into Senkha's vest and nestles her head against Senkha's chest. Ha, free boobage. "Okay."

Senkha continues to hold Dizzy close, resting her cheek against the girl's hair. "No matter what anyone tells you and no matter what happens, remember that you're stronger than you think you are. You can control your mind. You can beat this back."
Senkha says: And someday, maybe not today and maybe not tomorrow, you will.

Ariadine nods, "I promise t'win." She looks up at her mother and smiles. "'s almost time again, gonna fade-out."

Senkha smiles back at Dizzy and kisses her forehead. "I promise that you'll come back, no matter what. I know that you're my strong, beautiful girl, and I will always love you."

Ariadine smiles, "I love you Momma."

Senkha smiles at this and kisses the top of Dizzy's head again. "I love you, too, Monkey. No matter what."

Ariadine crawls off of Senkha's lap and resumes her laying down position in bed. "I taught Daddy t'braid his hair, y'know. You should ask him to braid your hair."

Senkha laughs quietly, sitting back on the bed and touching her hair lightly. "So he told me. I'll ask him, but I think it'll be better if you do it when you come back. Deal?"

Ariadine closes her eyes, "Deal. Need t'get more ribbons for his hair. He needs one that ain't green..." Her voice trails off until her small form goes limp for another blackout.

Senkha's smile fades as Dizzy's form goes limp. She stands and leans forward, pressing her lips against the girl's forehead. "I swear to you, Dizzy, you can fight this. Don't listen to her lies. You're more powerful than you know."

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