Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Senkha & Oliver: June 21

Senkha smiles up at Oliver; she looks fairly tired, as if she hasn't been sleeping, but genuinely pleased to see him. "Hey."

Macglynn points at the summerfest brazier sitting outside their home as he walks up. "You put that there?"

Senkha says: Pretty sure the town council did. It was there when I got up this morning.

Macglynn scratches at the back of his head, peering at the multicolor flame. "Why'd they go an' do a thing lahk that? 'S ugly as all hell."

Senkha says: It's that "festivity" thing. Personally, I can't wait until September and October. We never celebrated these flames or anything back home or even in Theramore.

Macglynn just gives a single, "Huh." He turns back to his wife and shrugs, walking up and sitting beside her on the stoop. "So. Y'look lahk y'been pullin' a wagon. Whut y'been doin' all day?"

Senkha says: ...predominantly being worried about you and wrestling with questions of ethics, morality, and coming to the conclusion that I am a horrible person.
Senkha says: How about you?

Macglynn says: Why're you a horr'ble person?
And why are you worried about me?

Senkha says: Mostly because of what I'm putting Dad through with telling him about the necromancy business. He could've stood to -not- know about that.
Senkha says: And... making him kill his child again. Light.
Senkha sighs heavily and drops her face into her hands.
You always hate yourself a thousand times more after something like that happens, even when it isn't your fault, and I hate it when you're that way because it hurts.

Macglynn says: He won't need t' kill us. Stop formin' futures in yer head whut ain't happened.
Macglynn says: Why would 'e need t' kill us?

Senkha says: ...he was asking about how long you'd still be you. How long before you went mad.

There's a very predictable haze thrown up on his thoughts.
Macglynn says: An' whut makes th' both 'a you think Ah'm gunna go "mad"?

Senkha says: Because humans weren't made to live forever.

Macglynn says: An' why's he so certain 'e's gunna last longer'n me?

Senkha doesn't pry, but then, at this point, she doesn't really need to.
Senkha says: Because he's a Garhelm. They're, like. Magic or something.
Senkha just assumes; anyone who works at that mailbox for so long must be Magic.

Macglynn says: Or somethin'. Senkha, he tells yah he's gunna need t' kill us, Ah say 'e ain't. We all's still human, magic 'r not.

Senkha smiles weakly behind her hands, giving a small chuckle that lacks mirth. "I don't like any of those possible futures. Except all of us just... going at the same time, somehow."
Senkha says: Not that I'm wishing doom on us, but... I don't want to lose you. I don't want to lose him. I don't want either of you to lose me.

Macglynn says: Ev'rybody thinks that way 'a th' ones they love.

Senkha says: Not everybody has the chance to make it a reality.

Macglynn says: Well, y'kin lose folk in more ways'n jus' them dyin'.

Senkha says: I don't like that idea, either.

Macglynn says: There's also a chance that far from na', say in thirteh years, we'll jus' be damend sick 'a each other's shit.
Macglynn smiles at you.

Senkha laughs again, a bit stronger now. "I doubt that. If we haven't driven each other mad yet..."

Macglynn says: Y'never know. So that's why yer a horr'ble person, though, huh?

Senkha says: I didn't know what it felt like before.

Macglynn says: Wha' whut felt lahk?

Senkha says: What it feels like to know your child is doing something so horrible but you can't do anything about it. And now I do know and... nngh.

Macglynn says: Ah want y'ta make up yer mind on whether' not whut yer doin' is horr'ble or a blessin'.

Senkha says: I don't know, Oliver, that's just it! It's got some good things about gives me more time with you...but why would anyone -want- to be undead?

Macglynn says: Well na' that ain't wholly true. Years back, men'd throw 'emselves at m'feet beggin'a be lahk me. Plenny 'a folks is very willin'a give up ev'rythin' ta see more years.

Senkha says: Not that many years ago. Do you remember that man during the elemental invasion?

Macglynn looks down and smiles. "Yeah, Ah do. Whut'd you think 'a him, askin' me fer that?"
Macglynn looks back up at Senkha.

Senkha says: I thought it was disgustingly noble and that he was actually just afraid of dying but didn't want to say as much. But that's because nobility doesn't make sense to me.

Macglynn says: Y'done plenty 'a things Ah'd call noble.

Senkha says: Like...?

Macglynn says: Y'saved me in th' riots. Gave up, back in them ruins, so Dizzy'd be okay.

Senkha says: ...I guess you've got me about the ruins. The riots, though... that was selfish. I... nnn.

Macglynn says: Selfish?

I couldn't live without you.
Senkha just grunts and shakes her head. "It's nothing. I was just... I don't think it was that altruistic is all."

Macglynn frowns, closing his eyes and thinking. Finally he asks, "If t'marruh Ah died in battle, whut would y'do?"

Senkha closes her eyes as well. "I don't know," she says.
She's not lying.

Macglynn says: Ah want y'ta promise me yuh'd not do anythin' stupid if'n that should ever happen.

Senkha says: are you defining stupid?

Macglynn looks at you.
Macglynn stares you down.
Macglynn says: Whut would you think Ah'd consider stupid?

Senkha says: Probably running off and getting dead myself.

Macglynn nods. "That's a good guess, there."

Senkha says: I don't know if I would or not. I want to believe I'd be rational enough, but if I wasn't expecting it...

Macglynn says: ... Please jus' know it wouldn' change nuthin'.
And Oliver strongly doubts that hell would have the grace of letting them be together anyway.

Senkha says: You mean it wouldn't bring you back.

Macglynn says: Ah dunno. It maht, jus' so's Ah could whack yer corpse upsahd th' head.

Senkha says: Well. Tell you what. I'll make a deal with you. I won't follow you into true death if you promise not to die stupid or doing anything suicidally noble for me.

Macglynn says: So yer tellin' me if'n there's a threat on yer lahf, Ah should stand there an' not do nuthin'?

Senkha says: If doing something would result absolutely in your death? Yes.

Macglynn says: Whut if'n it weren't a given an' it happened on accident?
Macglynn is like the kid that asks 'why'.

Senkha says: ...I don't think I could live with myself if I knew I'd caused your death, directly or indirectly.

Macglynn says: Well, it'd be a shame if'n y'wasted it after Ah went through th' trouble 'a savin' it.

Senkha says: And it'd be a shame if you wasted your life saving someone who doesn't want to live without you.

Macglynn says: Ah ain't lookin' ta die again. That Ah kin promise yah.
Macglynn says: But y'do gotta r'member Ah is a soldier. An' not jus' a soldier, but a Death Knight. When we git sent out, it's usu'lly on th' missions most folk ain't expected t'come back from.

Senkha says: Light's sake, I -know- that.
Senkha says: Didn't we meet in the army? Wasn't I a mercenary on the front lines, just as you were?

Macglynn says: Yes. Y'was. So all Ah'm tellin' yuh's don't be-
Macglynn sighs. "Jus' dun' be stupid."
Macglynn says: Ah do worry 'bout that. Y'worry 'bout me feelin' guilt, Ah worry 'bout you doin' stupid things.

Senkha says: I've gotten much better about that.
Senkha says: To be fair.

Macglynn finally smiles again. "Y'have, Ah'll give y'that."

Senkha smirks. "That's your influence, love. You've made me a better person, even if I am far too dependent on you." She pauses and then asks. "...and what if I died tomorrow."

Macglynn says: That d'pends. Did someone kill yah?

Senkha says: Say it was in battle, like the hypothetical dead you.

Macglynn says: So Ah'd prob'ly have no ahdea who killed yah.

Senkha says: Sure.

Macglynn says: Well. There's whut Ah'd do, an' whut a deeper part 'a me would wanna do.

Senkha says: Tell me both.

Macglynn says: Ah'd rather not say th' second, an' Ah'm sure y'a'ready know whut it is. But if y'died t'marruh, Ah would burn yer body an' jus' be heartbroke lahk a normal person.

Senkha says: ...burn my body so you wouldn't be tempted.

Macglynn says: ... Yeah.

Senkha says: Would you be able to bring me back like you? Theoretically.

Macglynn says: ... No. Not jus' lahk me. Th' Death Knights Ah kin make- an' made fer Acherus- is weaker, ground-level types. Th' kind y'see tryin'a plague th' Cathedral.

Senkha says: So I'd be raised as a very angry, brain-addled screaming angstbucket is what you're saying.

Macglynn says: Yuh'd be a worthless piece 'a violent shit, unless my whispers was in yer head at all tahms.

Senkha says: You mean like they are now.

Macglynn says: Mmhm.

Senkha says: the only thing that would change would be you controlling me. And the lack of heartbeat, feeling, and all those other nice life things.

Macglynn says: Ah strongly doubt it'd be me controllin' you.

Senkha says: It'd be your blade.

Macglynn says: - No. Yuh'd have t'make yer own, unless y'wanted t'rot.

Senkha changes the subject quietly. " you like controlling me?" she asks, almost as if asking if he likes the rain.

Macglynn hates the fucking rain. He also hates this question, by the look of surprise on his face. It doesn't take him long to answer, though. "No."

Senkha tries really hard not to look disappointed. " don't?"

Oh, I love it, but-
Macglynn says: It makes me feel sick.
Macglynn says: Ah hate even bein' able ta -do- any 'a this.

Senkha says: makes me feel sick when I control you, too. I can't even enjoy it at all... not like when you control me.

Macglynn says: ... Maybe it's somethin should jus' be left alone.

Senkha says: may be a little late for that.

Macglynn says: Why?

Senkha mutters something under her breath, looking away.
It doesn't matter how quiet she is: the thought remains that she likes it too much.

Macglynn says: Yeah, well, folk tend t' enjoy things what're bad fer 'em.

Senkha says: Still.
Senkha has no real argument about that, save that he's making her feel like a petulent teenager wanting to experiment with drugs.

Macglynn is making her feel that way because that's exactly what she's being. "Still whut?" He asks, prodding her to continue.

Senkha shuffles uncomfortably. "Still, I don't think we're going to stop doing it whether it's bad or good."

Macglynn says: Y'mean y'refuse ta stop.

Senkha says: Well, I'm not controlling you. Just... I mean, just. I like it is all.

Macglynn says: ... Ah know that.
And you're probably right.

Senkha 's shoulders sag. "I'm sorry," she says quietly.

Macglynn smiles. "Y'do make it hard on me, sometahms."

If you were alive, I'd make it hard on you all the ti----- why am I thinking that.
Senkha says: ...I know.

Macglynn blinks at you.
Macglynn says: Why -are- y'thinkin' that?

Senkha raises her eyebrows as high as possible, trying to look innocent. "...slip of the mind?"

Macglynn sighs. "Look, Ah'm sorry fer bein' a jerk about this whole thing. Ah trust y'know whut yer doin', but Ah kinna strayed from m'point that Ah want you ta trust we ain't gunna meet death at th' hands 'a Nialos. Y'hear?"

Senkha nods slowly and eventually rests her head against Oliver's shoulder. "It still hurts him," she assesses, nothing more than a statement of fact. "Do you really think I shan't become undead simply by doing what we're doing?"

Macglynn says: As often as we does? No. Not a chance. An' even whut we does, it won't ever turn yah undead. But it'll put y'in th' mind 'a one. Y'still experience th' power; yuh'll want more 'a it one day.
Macglynn says: B'cause that's ha' magic works.
Macglynn says: Y'want fuckin' more.

Senkha says: Then I'm grateful I never tasted it until now.

Macglynn says: An' why's that?

Senkha says: Imagine if I'd spent twenty-five years craving more and more power. I'd be mad with it by now. Maybe that's what happened to my mother.

Macglynn says: 'S possible. Be mahndful 'a it, Senkha. That's all Ah ask.

Senkha says: I am. Light, I hardly ever do anything with anyone who isn't you.

Macglynn laughs. "Ah'm th' danger-us one, Senkha."

Senkha grins wryly and reaches up to kiss Oliver's jaw gently. "We're both dangerous in our own ways."

Macglynn says: An' Ah let you in muh head.
Macglynn snorts.

Senkha says: That you do. Since people like things that are bad for them or... something.
So bad for him that he now has a naked Senkha dancing in his head. Awkwardly.

Macglynn says: Is that s'posed t'be some kinna hint?

Senkha says: ...maybe.

Macglynn says: Let's fuck on th' porch.

Senkha giggles and kisses Oliver's cheek again. "As you wish."

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